20 Best Ecommerce Landing Page Examples & Tips to Inspire You.

Written by: Scott Cohen

Published on: 10-18-2023

Scott is the CEO at InboxArmy and has more than 20 years of experience in email marketing.

With technological advancements and affordable internet access, ecommerce continues to disrupt today’s commercial landscape. It has revolutionized the way businesses operate by allowing them to transcend geographical boundaries and reach people around the world.

The global percentage of online sales in total retail sales increased from 16% to 19% in 2020, and going by the dramatic growth e-commerce has achieved in the past few years, it is expected to make up 20.4% of global retail sales by the end of this year

E-commerce platforms provide convenience, wider product options, and a more seamless purchasing experience to a vast pool of consumers. Customers can shop anytime and from anywhere, without the constraints of visiting the stores. They can also compare prices, read reviews, and make purchases with just a few clicks. By being online, businesses can operate 24/7, reaching customers beyond traditional bricks-and-mortar store hours thereby increasing their sales and revenue.

However, with convenience comes intense competition. The success of an online store depends on its ability to attract visitors and convert them into buyers besides retaining them. That’s where the crucial role of an ecommerce landing page comes into play since it acts as a company’s first point of contact with potential customers. 

What Is An Ecommerce Landing Page?

An ecommerce landing page is a standalone web page designed exclusively to promote and sell products or services in an online store.

The primary goal of an ecommerce landing page is to convert visitors into customers by encouraging them to take specific actions, such as making a purchase, signing up for your ecommerce newsletter, or downloading a resource. It is an essential component of an ecommerce website’s marketing and sales strategy.

It creates the initial impression of your brand and sets the tone for the rest of the user’s journey. A well-designed and visually appealing landing page can capture the attention of visitors and help establish credibility and trust. With a strong landing page, you can enhance your conversion rates and make more sales by focusing on the essential aspects that boost conversions, such as appealing product descriptions, clear call-to-action buttons, attractive images, etc.

What is an Ecommerce Product Page?

Landing pages and product pages are sometimes used interchangeably. Although both can be the starting point of your prospect’s online journey, it is incorrect to assume they are the same. Both pages aim to drive sales, but their uses and functions differ entirely.

An ecommerce product page is a part of the main website where individual products are listed for sale. It contains detailed information about a specific product, such as its features, pricing, images, and reviews. Unlike landing pages, which are usually used for promotional purposes, product pages serve a more practical purpose by providing all the necessary information to help customers make an informed purchasing decision. Typical product details include size and color options, shipping details, return policy, etc. It should also have high-quality images or videos to showcase the product in the best possible way.

The main goal of a winning product page is to bridge the gap between in-store and online shopping experiences. It should replicate the in-store experience by providing a detailed view of the product and highlighting its unique selling points. It helps customers to browse through different options, compare products, and make a purchase with confidence.

Landing Pages VS Product Pages – Key Differences between 

In this section, we’ll dissect the differences between Landing Pages vs Product Pages. Understanding this is pivotal for unlocking the full potential of your ecommerce store’s performance. Let’s dive in:


The primary difference between a Landing Page and a Product Page lies in their purpose. A landing page is designed to capture leads and function as the start of specific marketing campaigns. For example, you may have a landing page for promoting a new, seasonal collection of products.

On the other hand, product pages are designed to showcase and sell individual products from your store. They aim to give the reader a complete understanding of the product’s specifications, benefits, and features to make a purchase decision.


Landing Pages and Product Pages also differ in terms of design. Landing pages are typically designed with a single focus – to drive the reader towards the CTA. It may be to attract leads and gather emails of potential customers. As such, they have minimal distractions or outbound links that could divert the reader’s attention from the primary CTA.

Product pages, however, have a different design. They often contain more product images, detailed descriptions, reviews, and other relevant information like shipping and return policies. This is to provide a comprehensive overview of the product and build trust with the potential buyer.

Traffic Sources

Another significant difference between Landing Pages and Product Pages is their traffic sources. Landing pages are often part of specific marketing campaigns, such as social media ads or email marketing. As such, they receive targeted traffic from these sources.

On the other hand, product pages can be accessed through various channels such as organic search, direct links from external sources, and even through recommended products on your website. This means that they may receive both targeted and non-targeted traffic.


While landing pages are usually optimized for a single goal – driving conversions through the CTA, product pages require optimization for multiple factors. These include search engine optimization (SEO) to improve their visibility and ranking on search engines and conversion rate optimization (CRO) to enhance their ability to convert visitors into customers.

User Experience

The user experience on landing and product pages varies considerably due to their distinct objectives. Landing pages, designed to drive action, often have a linear, straightforward design that guides the visitor towards the desired action. The messaging is clear, concise, and persuasive, with visual elements supporting the call to action. Even the navigation can be non-existent to minimize distractions.

Product pages, conversely, offer a more comprehensive experience. Since they aim to inform and persuade potential buyers about a product, they can even have product demonstration videos. The design is usually more complex, allowing users to explore different aspects of the product and compare it with similar products.

20 Best Ecommerce Landing Page Examples

1. Warby Parker

ecommerce landing page - Warby Parker

Strengths of Warby Parker’s landing page:

Here are some of the key elements that contribute to its effectiveness:

  • High-quality images of eyeglasses and sunglasses take center stage, showcasing product variety and style.
  • Interactive tools allow users to virtually try on glasses using their webcam or uploaded photos enhance the shopping experience.
  • A clear and concise menu helps users easily explore different eyewear categories and collections.
  • Robust filtering and sorting options enable users to refine their search based on frame type, color, shape, and more.
  • Reviews and ratings provide social proof and help users make informed purchase decisions.
  • Prominent promotion of the “Home Try-On” program encourages users to select frames to try at home before purchasing.

2. Etsy

Ecommerce Landing Page - Etsy

Strengths of Etsy’s landing page:

  • Eye-catching banners highlight featured shops and products, introducing users to a variety of handmade and vintage goods.
  • A prominent search bar at the top of the page allows users to quickly search for specific items or shops.
  • Clear navigation menus categorize items into various collections, making it easy for users to browse by theme or category.
  • Sections featuring trending items and seasonal themes keep the landing page fresh and relevant.
  • “Recommended for you” or “Based on your browsing history” sections offer personalized suggestions to enhance the shopping experience.
  • Profiles and stories of featured sellers humanize the platform and showcase the people behind the products.
  • Access to Etsy Conversations (messaging) allows users to communicate directly with sellers for inquiries and custom orders.

3. Sephora

ecommerce landing page - Sephora

Strengths of Sephora’s landing page:

  • A visually striking and high-quality hero image featuring beauty products, models, or promotional visuals.
  • Highlighted sections showcasing new arrivals, bestsellers, and trending beauty products.
  • A prominent search bar at the top of the page allows users to quickly search for specific beauty products or brands.
  • Clear navigation menus categorize products by makeup, skincare, haircare, fragrance, and more.
  • Robust filtering options enable users to refine their search based on product type, brand, price, and more.
  • Sections dedicated to featured brands or collaborations, often with eye-catching imagery.
  • Prominent display of the Sephora Beauty Insider loyalty program, including points, rewards, and benefits.
  • Interactive tools that allow users to virtually try on makeup products or experiment with different looks.

4. Fussy

ecommerce landing page - Fussy

Key strengths of Fussy’s landing page:

  • Excellent above-the-fold content that immediately captures user attention and defines brand identity.
  • Top-notch product images that are high in quality, showcasing the product’s unique features and benefits.
  • Inclusion of a list of publications that have covered the brand, adding credibility and enhancing brand reputation.
  • A neat design philosophy that demonstrates the brand’s aesthetic sense and commitment to superior user experience.
  • The CTA is designed with contrasting colors and prominent placement, making it hard to miss.

5. Bad Co.

ecommerce landing page - Bad co.

Key strengths of Bad Co.’s landing page:

  • Exceptional use of white spaces makes the page look clean, well-organized, and enhances readability.
  • A list of favorite picks is displayed prominently at the top of the page, offering users quick access to best-selling items.
  • Vivid images show the product (sweatshirts) in action, revealing the fit and style, which aids in the purchase decision.
  • The page employs quirky photography to create a unique and appealing visual aesthetic that aligns with the brand’s identity.
  • The landing page concludes by cross-selling graphic tees, effectively promoting other products in the catalog and opening opportunities for increased sales.

6. Solo Stove

Ecommerce Landing Page - Solo Stove

 Strengths of Solo Stove’s landing page:

  • Solo Stove’s landing page utilizes a combination of images and text to explain product features and customer benefits.
  • The use of chunked text makes the content more digestible and user-friendly.
  • The page incorporates energetic colors like orange and black, aligning with the outdoor cooking equipment’s vibe.
  • The orange color for the call-to-action (CTA) button makes it stand out.
  • The CTA’s wording, “Shop Now,” instead of “Buy Now,” appeals to a broader audience, including those not ready to purchase yet.

7.MSCHF Sneakers

ecommerce landing page - MSCHF Sneakers

Key strengths of MSCHF Sneakers’ landing page:

  • Bold design that is both striking and memorable, instantly drawing visitors in and holding their attention.
  • The use of unconventional photoshoots that stand out in the crowd effectively positions the brand as unique and avant-garde.
  • The brand effectively carves itself as a lifestyle brand, representing not just a product but a way of life, a worldview that resonates with its target audience.
  • Overall, the landing page showcases a never-before-seen execution, incorporating fresh and innovative elements, setting a new standard in landing page design.

8. Samina Sleepsystem

Ecommerce Landing Page - Samina Sleepsystem

Strengths of Samina Sleepsystem’s landing page:

  • Samina’s landing page features a stunning design for its sound and light sleep system.
  • The page uses a neutral background design that complements the overall aesthetics.
  • It strategically uses high-quality images to showcase the product and its features.
  • The landing page incorporates clever animations to grab the attention of visitors and direct them to product details and specifications.

9. Troubadour

Ecommerce Landing Page - Troubadour

 Strengths of Troubadour’s landing page:

  • Troubadour’s landing page exemplifies an effective combination of a powerful headline that sparks interest, professional product images, and a clear CTA button.
  • It focuses on building trust through press mentions and displaying customer reviews.
  • The landing page encourages visitors to follow the brand on Instagram, to highlight the popularity of their rucksacks.

10. Ion X1

Ecommerce Landing Page - Ion X1

Strengths of Ion X1’s landing page:

  • The landing page of the Ion X1 smart speaker uses gorgeous design exuding class and sophistication.
  • It provides a clear and visible value proposition.
  • The clever scrolling feature of the landing page keeps all information above the page fold.

11. Hi Skin

ecommerce landing page - Hiskin

Key strengths of Hi Skin’s landing page:

  • The Hi Skin landing page taps into the prevalent narrative of wellness and self-care in the skincare industry, appealing to consumers’ desire for products that promote health and well-being.
  • Detailed product usage images give visitors a clear understanding of how the product is applied and its benefits.
  • The unique concept of ‘facial face workouts’ is introduced, which communicates the product’s effectiveness and adds a refreshing spin to the traditional skincare regimen.
  • Furthermore, including expert skincare advice establishes the brand as credible and trustworthy, enhancing its appeal to discerning consumers looking for professional, scientifically-backed skincare solutions.

12. Naboso

Ecommerce Landing Page - Naboso

Strengths of Naboso’s landing page:

  • Naboso’s ecommerce landing page features a vibrant design combining simplicity with the key product color.
  • The visual effect is stunning and eye-catching.
  • It prominently features the insole throughout the page.
  • The landing page helps to illustrate the product’s features in a fun and engaging manner.

13. Tribe

Ecommerce Landing Page - Tribe

Strengths of Tribe’s landing page:

  • Tribe’s landing page is an excellent example of marketing special offers.
  • The landing page aims to manage access to the promotion.
  • It cleverly employs text that emphasizes the value of the special offer for potential customers.

14. Genki Instruments

Ecommerce landing Page - Genki Instruments

 Strengths of Genki Instrument’s landing page:

  • The landing page has a minimalist design with clever pops of color for an easy-to-browse shopping experience.
  • It employs different CTA buttons for different use intents.
  • The page utilizes images, videos, and customer reviews to highlight product benefits.
  • This Builds trust with potential customers and encourages shoppers to make purchases.


ecommerce landing page - Rouje

Key strengths of Rouje’s landing page:

  • Dedicated product photoshoot with a model, providing a realistic visual representation of how the knitwear looks when worn. This approach aids potential customers in visualizing the products themselves, enhancing the appeal.
  • The product images are exquisite and high-resolution, showcasing the fine details of the knitwear’s fabric, texture, and design. This enhances the perceived quality and craftsmanship of the products.
  • The design centers entirely on the product with minimal distractions, allowing the focus to remain on the knitwear.
  • Unlike many landing pages, the goal here isn’t to drive clicks on the Call to Action (CTA) but to pique interest and engage visitors. This subtler marketing approach can lead to a deeper connection with the brand and its products, fostering customer loyalty and word-of-mouth referrals.

16. Self Discipline

ecommerce landing page - Self Discipline

Key strengths of Self Discipline’s landing page:

  • The design philosophy appeals directly to their primary target audience of athletes and fitness enthusiasts. It exudes strength, resilience, and focus, mirroring the qualities that athletes strive to embody.
  • Features motivational quotes that resonate with their target demographic. They underscore the brand’s commitment to nurturing discipline and perseverance.
  • The copy dives into the brand’s mission, which connects emotionally with visitors, encouraging them to buy into its philosophy.
  • It also includes interactive product images. Visitors can rotate the band to appreciate the craftsmanship and quality, creating an immersive shopping experience.

17.Heliot Emil

ecommerce landing page - Heliot Emil

Key strengths of Heliot Emil’s landing page:

  • It uses monotone photoshoots that reflect the brand’s minimalist and contemporary design aesthetics.
  • The high-resolution, black-and-white product photos enhance the evocative power of the products, drawing attention to intricate details.
  • The absence of color minimizes distractions on the page, allowing the compelling product images to demand the viewer’s attention.
  • This laser-focused approach aims to increase visitor engagement and deepen their connection with the brand.

18. De Havilland Gin

Ecommerce Landing Page - De Havilland Gin

 Strengths of De Havilland Gin’s landing page:

  • De Havilland Gin’s landing page employs a conventional design language with essential information for potential customers.
  • It further utilizes high-quality product images and anchor links for easy navigation.
  • The visible CTA buttons on the landing page prompt users to take action and make a purchase.

19. Ermenegildo Zegna

Ecommerce Landing Page - Ermenegildo Zegna

 Strengths of Ermenegildo Zegna’s landing page:

  • The landing page of Zegna employs carefully selected visuals to showcase their luxurious and customized menswear products.
  • It employs minimal text to maintain clarity and focus on the products.
  • The effective call-to-action prompt helps initiate personalized customer service.
  • With its well-designed landing page, the brand sets itself apart with its emphasis on tailored customer experiences.


ecommerce landing page - Rains

Key strengths of Rain’s landing page:

  • It opens with a captivating image that illustrates the product in use, immediately setting the tone for the brand’s value proposition.
  • The image is not only fun but also practical, demonstrating the functionality of the products.
  • Showcases all product categories clearly and intuitively, allowing visitors to navigate the site effortlessly.
  • This detailed cataloging simplifies the shopping process for potential customers.
  • Utilizes a diverse range of models, embodying the brand’s commitment to inclusivity. This strategy resonates with a broad spectrum of audiences, widening their customer base.
  • Concludes with an engaging showcase of Rains Stores. This section invites visitors to experience the brand’s physical retail spaces, further strengthening their engagement with the Rains brand.

Unleash Your Ecommerce Store’s Potential with Captivating Landing Pages!

In the competitive world of online shopping, an enticing landing page can make all the difference in converting casual browsers into subscribers and, ultimately, loyal customers. By combining eye-catching visuals, persuasive copy, and a seamless call to action, these landing pages create a unique and immersive shopping experience for users.

Since an ecommerce landing page plays a crucial role in establishing your brand’s identity, driving sales, improving user experience, and collecting valuable data for optimization.

Nine Ways to Create an Impeccable Ecommerce Landing Page

Nine Ways to Create an Impeccable Ecommerce Landing Page

1. A Clear and Compelling Headline

The headline is a crucial element that grabs visitors’ attention on your ecommerce website. It should express your unique value proposition or the specific product/service you offer, setting you apart from competitors. 

A well-crafted headline sets the tone, driving users to explore your products and boost conversion rates. It taps into emotion, evoking enthusiasm and interest. It encourages actions like making a purchase or signing up for your website. Moreover, it reinforces your brand’s image, fostering trust and familiarity, leading to higher engagement and conversions.

Quick tip: Incorporate relevant keywords in the title improves SEO and search rankings. This in turn helps determine the success of your e-commerce store.

Casper’s landing page

 Casper’s landing page perfectly employs the use of a clear and captivating headline.

2. Engaging Visuals

In a competitive online marketplace, instantly attracting visitors’ attention is critical. Engaging visuals like high-quality product images and videos capture the interest of users, leading to prolonged stay, exploration, and eventual purchases.

Visual elements like images, colors, typography, and design contribute to a brand’s identity, eventually promoting brand loyalty and trust. Also, visual storytelling helps customers envision product use and benefits, improving engagement and conversion rates.

Quick tip: Think mobile-first in your design and functionality. In this mobile-driven era, mobile-optimized visuals are vital. It offers a seamless visual experience for mobile users and enhances brand reach through potential social sharing.

Adobe’s landing page

With apt use of visuals, Adobe’s landing page is a seamless blend of amazing design and practicality.

3. Streamlined design

A streamlined design is crucial for your landing page. It ensures a positive user experience with easy navigation and clear product presentation. The primary call-to-action (CTA) stands out prominently, guiding users toward desired actions.

A well-designed landing page instills trust and credibility, demonstrating professionalism and attention to detail. By organizing content logically and using visual elements effectively, a streamlined design reduces cognitive load and improves comprehension. 

It also leads to faster load times and better performance. Being responsive to diverse platforms such as PCs, tablets, and smartphones, a simple design ensures a consistent and user-friendly experience. Therefore, you should invest in a well-thought-out design for a compelling and effective landing page that drives engagement, conversions, and business growth.

The effectiveness of this Beats by Dre landing page lies in its simplicity. Its streamlined design includes relevant product images, emotional headlines, clear discounted prices, and key unique selling points (USPs) below the CTA.

Beats by Dre landing pageBeats by Dre landing page

The effectiveness of this Beats by Dre landing page lies in its simplicity. Its streamlined design includes relevant product images, emotional headlines, clear discounted prices, and key unique selling points (USPs) below the CTA.

4. A strong call to action (CTA)

The prime purpose of a landing page is to drive a desired conversion through a well-crafted and visually appealing Call-to-Action (CTA). It’s therefore imperative that you place your CTA where it gets maximum visibility and engagement, increasing the possibility of higher conversions.

A well-designed CTA reinforces brand messaging, builds trust, and communicates the unique selling points of your product or service. Make use of persuasive language and action verbs, emphasize benefits and social proof, and leverage urgency language like “Limited Time Offer” and “Exclusive Deal” to promote immediate action.

Quick tip: Implement analytics and tracking tools to measure your CTA’s effectiveness. You can test and refine design and copy for optimized performance.

Puravida’s landing page

Puravida’s landing page uses well-designed and strategically placed CTAs offering a 20% discount for providing name, email, and phone. It’s engaging and low commitment for first-time buyers.

5. Compelling and concise product description

Great landing pages are all about focus and precision. A compelling, concise product description acts as a hook, providing key information about the features, benefits, and unique selling points of your offerings. A well-written product description enhances your product and brand reputation as well.

Quick tip: Provide a brief description of your product by highlighting your unique features and benefits. It eliminates confusion, helps your visitors understand your product quickly, and facilitates informed decisions to act on your CTA.

Think mobile-first in these descriptions. Concise descriptions are vital, allowing mobile users to grasp key details swiftly and engage with your products.

Optimize these descriptions with important keywords to boost search engine rankings and drive organic traffic to your site.

Winc’s landing page

Winc’s landing page is a wonderful example of a concise and compelling product description. It perfectly describes what the product is and how it benefits the customers.

6. Social proof and testimonials

Potential buyers often look to others’ experiences to make decisions. Social proof–in the form of testimonials, customer reviews, social media mentions, follower count, customer count, and more–is therefore essential for establishing trust, authenticity, and credibility with your brand.

Leverage this evidence of positive customer experiences on your landing page. Showcase reviews, ratings, testimonials (both written and video). Display the number of customers or followers your brand has. They all have a profound impact on how visitors perceive your brand.

LifeLock Social proof and testimonials

LifeLock leverages its 4 million member count with customer reviews, creating a stronger impression for potential customers.

7. Limited-time offers or discounts

Urgency and scarcity motivate people to act fast. Using time-sensitive offers can attract potential customers and boost ecommerce conversion rates.

Leverage this urgency to stimulate sales. Use this opportunity to also collect key customer information to set a strong foundation for long-term engagement, as the data you collect can be used to foster future customer loyalty and repeat purchases. Just remember to be transparent about how you’re planning to use the data you collect and types of communications customers will be expecting to receive.

Quick tip: Use limited-time offers to manage inventory effectively. By promoting specific products and setting expiration dates, you can clear excess stock while boosting sales.

Nathan’s landing page

The content on Nathan’s landing page encourages new visitors to purchase a product through discounts and deals.

8. Mobile Optimization

We’ve said it a few times already, but mobile optimization is so important that we’re giving it its own section as well. With more people relying on mobile devices to shop online, optimizing landing pages for mobile becomes essential to provide a superlative user experience. 

Mobile optimization involves making the page easily navigable, visually appealing, and functional on mobile devices. A well-optimized mobile landing page improves user experience and conversion rates by making it easy for consumers to find what they need.

With great optimization comes faster loading times which positively impact search engine rankings, leading to increased visibility and organic traffic. Simplifying the checkout process and payment integration on mobile devices further enhances conversion rates. 

Mobile optimization is vital for providing an excellent user experience, improving page load speed, boosting SEO performance, and gaining a competitive edge in today’s mobile-centric world.

9. A/B testing and optimization

Email A/B testing and optimization are crucial for improving your ecommerce landing page performance and effectiveness. They provide real data for informed decision-making by comparing versions of your page. These quantitative and qualitative data reveal user behavior, engagement, and conversions, highlighting areas for improvement. 

A/B testing is vital for conversion rate optimization (CRO) by systematically testing variations of elements like headlines, images, and layout. This iterative process of testing and optimizing continuously improves your page over time, adapting to user preferences and delivering optimal results. 

Optimizing your landing page based on high-converting elements drives more sales, leads, and desired actions. With data-driven insights using metrics like click-through rates, bounce rates, and conversion rates, you can optimize your user experience and personalization.

Wrapping Up

The importance of an ecommerce landing page cannot be overstated in today’s digital age. As the gateway to online businesses, the landing page serves as the critical first impression for potential customers, and it plays a pivotal role in driving conversions, customer engagement, and overall business success. Throughout this article, we have explored several key reasons why optimizing and investing in a well-designed  landing page is crucial for any online business

Creating a high-converting ecommerce landing page is an ongoing process. Regularly monitoring and analyzing the performance of your landing page, gathering user feedback, and making data-driven improvements can help your business grow leaps and bounds.

Contact our ecommerce email marketing agency for assistance with email design, coding, campaign management, and automation setup.

About Author

Winner of the ANA Email Experience Council’s 2021 Stefan Pollard Email Marketer of the Year Award, Scott Cohen is a proven email marketing veteran with nearly 20 years of experience as both a brand-side marketer and an email marketing agency executive. He brings to our clients a unique blend of experience building and managing larger CRM and retention teams, sending millions of emails and SMS per week, and award-winning copywriting chops. For more information, follow him on Linkedin

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