Email Marketing

How To Hire The Right Email Marketing Manager For Your Next Campaign?

[ez-toc]Picture this: you've got a brilliant digital marketing plan in place, and you know that email marketing is the secret sauce to take it to the next level. But you're overwhelmed with crafting the perfect email campaigns that will resonate

40 Exit Intent Popup Examples To Increase Conversions

Exit Intent Popups appear on the visitor’s screen when they are leaving the site. It could be in the form of an offer that entices them to stay for a bit longer.

Importance of Using GIF In Email

One of the biggest debates that’s been doing rounds on the internet over three decades now, is – how to pronounce GIF. Graphics Interchange Format or GIF was released in June 1987 by Steve Wilhite, while he was working for CompuServe.

A Complete Email Marketing Guide (From Noob To Experts)

Email marketing is one of the best-known channels in the marketing domain. Its popularity can be ascribed to its convenience & reach. With email marketing, a single message can reach millions of people in a matter of minutes.

How To Use An Email Countdown Timer In Emails (+14 Examples)

An email countdown timer might seem gimmicky at first, but there is more to it than meets the eye. When you think about it, aren’t we all always counting down to something?

21 Benefits Of Email Marketing To Boost Your Strategy

At a time when social media & other messaging platforms are witnessing unprecedented popularity, you’re likely to wonder if email marketing can still be a valuable tool for your business and what are the benefits of email marketing. The answer is a resounding yes!

40 Email Popup Examples & 16 Best Practices To Grow Your Email List

Email popups sometimes called email capture popups or opt-in popup forms, are a great tool to use to capture email addresses from your website visitors so you can continue to communicate with them via email.

Top Email Marketing Statistics Every CMO Needs To Know

In the midst of all the aggressive advertising, overabundance of content, and the bold claim that “social media is king”, there stands email marketing — still a powerful and efficient tool to engage with potential customers. In theory, email may

Why You Shouldn’t Buy Email Lists (& How To Quickly Build Your Own)

Whether you're launching a new business, trying to fill your sales pipeline, or just trying to move units, you need leads fast! The urge to buy email lists and send bulk promotional emails is pretty tempting. And why shouldn't it

Let Us Help Take You To The Next Level Of Email Marketing

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    (InboxArmy doesn't work or provide email list buying or rental service.)

    I searched through a number of forums and word of mouth on the web, and their name consistently came up. They have been in business longer than any email marketing company that I can remember talking with.

    Our company needed to revamp our entire email system for our main brand of bicycles, Sixthreezero. We hired InboxArmy to build out new automated flows, post purchase email flows, marketing campaigns, and anything else we could come up with to stimulate our sales. I worked with the director and his designers to develop the emails that would connect with our target market. InboxArmy managed me, I literally had to keep up with how fast they work.

    Immediate increase in revenues, our return customer conversion rate increased by roughly 50%, and our open to click rates all increased. The ROI was about 26 to 1. Zero complaints, our resources were not wasted hiring InboxArmy.

    Andrew Bowman
    E-Commerce B2C Director