Holidays and Promos

Fourth of July Email Ideas, Templates & Subject Lines For Your Email Campaigns

[ez-toc]You’ve probably heard it a gazillion times - email marketing is the best way to drive sales. If that’s true for everyday scenarios, then 4th of July email doesn’t drive sales - it skyrockets them. But that’s only if your

How to Send Birthday Emails That Connect? – A Detailed Guide

There’s no marketing channel better than email marketing. We’ve heard it a hundred times and accepted it once and for all. With several technological advancements we’re sending all sorts of emails - action triggered, automated, order related etc. to connect

Thanksgiving Day Email Inspirations to Boost Your Sales

Thanksgiving Day is one of the most favorite holidays in America. In 2018, 165M+ shopped over the Thanksgiving period of five days. 65% of Thanksgiving weekend shoppers said deals drove them to buy. Moreover, it is predicted that total US

Halloween Email Inspirations To Blow Your Mind: Not Just Candy & Costumes

[ez-toc]The spookiest time of the year is finally here! According to National Retail Federation's annual survey conducted by Prosper Insights & Analytics, shoppers will spend $86.27 on an average this Halloween. It’s time to rejoice in the fright and capture

Awesome Email Examples for Independence Day Marketing

[ez-toc]Independence Day, the 4th of July is celebrated with great pomp and parade, bonfires and fireworks, barbeques and illuminations throughout the United States. As much as it is about freedom, martyrhood and liberty, it equally means celebrating this important day

Father’s Day Email Inspirations to Perk Up Your Strategy

[ez-toc]Email marketers rely heavily on holiday email campaigns to help them drive greater revenue and build better brand visibility. Father’s Day, done right, can fetch big bucks for marketers—and it’s just around the corner. Are you ready? If you’re still

10 Holiday Email Templates, Examples & Subject Lines

Holidays are all about getting in the mood to have some serious FUN! The excitement of the commencing holidays is reflected even in an email marketer’s emails. As they pack their bags to zip off for a well-deserved vacation, it’s

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    (InboxArmy doesn't work or provide email list buying or rental service.)

    I searched through a number of forums and word of mouth on the web, and their name consistently came up. They have been in business longer than any email marketing company that I can remember talking with.

    Our company needed to revamp our entire email system for our main brand of bicycles, Sixthreezero. We hired InboxArmy to build out new automated flows, post purchase email flows, marketing campaigns, and anything else we could come up with to stimulate our sales. I worked with the director and his designers to develop the emails that would connect with our target market. InboxArmy managed me, I literally had to keep up with how fast they work.

    Immediate increase in revenues, our return customer conversion rate increased by roughly 50%, and our open to click rates all increased. The ROI was about 26 to 1. Zero complaints, our resources were not wasted hiring InboxArmy.

    Andrew Bowman
    E-Commerce B2C Director