Email Marketing For Insurance Agents : Examples, Tips, & Strategy

Written by: Scott Cohen

Published on: 11-06-2023

Scott is the CEO at InboxArmy and has more than 20 years of experience in email marketing.

Email marketing can connect insurance agents with potential clients and nurture existing relationships, paving the way for remarkable growth. Some businesses have experienced rapid growth of up to 760% after using email marketing. So, how can you use email to grow?

This article will cover the fundamentals of email marketing, the dos and don’ts, strategies, and best practices for insurance agents and companies. Whether you’re an individual agent or an insurance agency, this article will help you get started and leverage the potential of email marketing.

BONUS: Scroll to the end of this article for a free email writing checklist. This resource will help you write better emails and remember all the essential steps!

How Can Email Marketing Help Insurance Agents or Companies?

Email marketing is a great marketing channel in terms of engagement and cost-effectiveness. Direct and personalized communication with leads improves conversions and marketing ROI. In specific terms of email marketing for insurance, consider some of these notable benefits:

Foster Trust, Credibility, and Brand Recognition

Consistent and well-crafted email marketing campaigns build your brand. Providing timely educational content with real value will enhance confidence in your business’s ability to deliver value. Over time, leads will associate you and your brand with informative and valuable content, reinforcing your reputation (and that of your company) as a trusted insurance information and services resource. 

Client Retention

Once your lead is converted, the goal becomes retaining that customer. Send timely policy renewal reminders, updates on coverage options, and valuable information that keeps clients engaged and informed. This helps retain customers and nurture long-term relationships.

Developing Your Insurance Email Marketing Strategy

Developing Your Insurance Email Marketing Strategy Banner1

Before writing that first email, ensure you have a solid email marketing strategy. This strategy will help you identify your goals, the people you’re communicating with, and your content plan. Follow these steps to create a robust foundation for your email marketing efforts

1. Define Your Goals:

What do you intend to achieve through email marketing? Whether it’s brand awareness, conversion, or customer retention, defining clear and measurable goals is essential for guiding your efforts. Is it one of those goals or all of them? Which one is most important for your business right now? Start with your “lowest hanging fruit” first.

2. Target Audience:

Understanding your ideal clients is vital. What do your customers care about most? What frustrations do they face when deciding to purchase insurance? What is your solution to those problems? You can utilize these insights to craft a content plan (discussed next) to tailor your content and offers appropriately.

3. Content Plan:

A well-structured content plan guides every single email you will write. Develop an email marketing calendar that provides valuable information, educational materials, and promotional emails. This ensures that your email campaigns are diverse and engaging.

4. Email List Building:

Build your email list by implementing opt-in forms on your digital touchpoints like your website, social media, and landing pages. Consider using lead magnets like free resources, e-books, whitepapers, or webinars to collect emails. Collecting email addresses from genuinely interested individuals is the foundation of your email marketing success.

Note: Proper email list building is a “slow burn” process. It can take time. Why you should not purchase an email list. It may seem like an effective short cut, but it’s not. And it can cause more harm than good when it comes to the overall health of your email marketing program.

5. Email Service Provider (ESP):

Research and choose a reputable Email Service Provider (ESP) to manage and send your emails. A reliable ESP streamlines the process, offers valuable features, and delivers your emails effectively. We don’t play favorites here as we have customers across more than 40 different platforms, but if you’re just starting out, take a look at MailChimp, HubSpot, Constant Contact, and a few others.

These steps represent the initial foundation of your email marketing strategy. With a clear strategy, you can effectively manage email campaigns and identify further areas for improvement. 

Email Marketing Best Practices To Get Started


These email marketing best practices will help anyone, even beginners, start writing great emails. These steps will get you started, and once you have these down, you can move on to more advanced strategies to grow your business with email marketing. 

Here are six crucial email marketing best practices to get you started:

1. Build a Quality Email List

Prioritize quality over quantity. Don’t focus solely on amassing an extensive email list. Instead, aim for a list of genuinely interested individuals more likely to engage with your content.

Implement clear and user-friendly opt-in forms on your website, social media, and other platforms to encourage subscribers to join your list willingly. As mentioned previously, resist the temptation to purchase email lists, as these often contain low-quality leads and can harm your sender’s reputation.

2. Personalize Your Emails

Start simple. Even simple personalization, like including the recipient’s name in the email, can make the content more tailored and engaging. Segment your email list based on demographics, behavior, or interests. This lets you send relevant content to each group, improving engagement and conversions.

If you have a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, use this information to customize content and offers based on the recipient’s interactions with your business.

3. Invest Time In Your Subject Lines

Write email subject lines that communicate what the email is about while sparking curiosity or interest. Steer clear of deceptive or spammy subject lines, which can lead to higher unsubscribe rates and harm your sender’s reputation.

4. Use Visuals and Clear CTAs

Include eye-catching images, graphics, and, when appropriate, videos to engage your emails visually. Include a clear and persuasive CTA, guiding subscribers on the desired action, whether clicking a link, signing up, or getting a quote.

5. Keep Emails Concise and Relevant

Highlight essential information to keep readers interested. Ensure the content is highly relevant to the recipient, addressing their needs and interests. The shorter, the better (though be sure to test over time!); you do not want clients to dread receiving emails from you with paragraphs of content to scroll through.

6. Consistent Sending Schedule

Keep a consistent sending schedule to establish predictability for your subscribers. Whether it’s weekly newsletters or monthly updates, consistency helps maintain subscriber engagement.

By implementing these best email marketing practices, insurance agents and companies can build stronger relationships with subscribers, increase engagement, and ultimately drive business growth in the insurance industry.

Insurance Email Marketing Examples

You don’t want to send the same email every week. Diversifying your email content is vital to keeping your audience engaged. These insurance email marketing examples will help you keep your content fresh and exciting:

1. Onboarding/Welcome Email

Plum Insurance email marketing examples

This email is only sent once to each new subscriber. Extend a warm welcome to them using a well-crafted introductory message. Explain what they can anticipate from your emails and set the tone for a positive subscriber experience. Your welcome email can be a “trigger email” where your system automatically sends this email when an individual clicks “subscribe.”

2. Educational Content

Oscar email example

Ultimately, each person has subscribed because they believe your emails will give them the knowledge or resources they want. Make sure to deliver! Share knowledge with your audience via informative articles, educational guides, and engaging insurance-related videos. Provide value by helping your subscribers understand complex insurance topics.

3. Policy and Coverage Updates

New Coverage Jetty insurance email marketing example

Keep your clients informed of any policy changes or upcoming renewals. Transparent communication about adjustments in coverage or terms fosters trust and credibility. Let them know how these changes will directly affect them and if there is any action they should take. Send announcement emails when you begin offering new services or serving a new area. 

4. Testimonials and Success Stories

Skillshare Testimonials Email

Highlight client testimonials and success stories that showcase your company’s expertise and the tangible benefits of your services. This social proof can instill trust and confidence in your offerings. This is a great email to send to leads “sitting on the fence.”

5. Promotional Offers

Petplan Policy Offer email

Occasionally, provide your subscribers with exclusive promotional offers, discounts, or special deals. These can incentivize them to take action, such as requesting a quote or exploring new policy options.

6. Holiday Greetings/Life Event Congratulatory Emails

sofi email example

Maintain a personal connection with your clients by sending seasonal/ Holiday email greetings. To go a step further, track customers’ birth dates and other events they choose to share and send heartfelt emails around these times. This simple yet thoughtful gesture reinforces the human side of your insurance business and fosters lasting relationships.

Mutual of omaha insurance email

Email Marketing Compliance For Insurance

Email marketing helps companies prove compliance with relevant regulations and laws, such as the CAN-SPAM Act. Companies must include a valid physical address, provide a straightforward way to unsubscribe, and respect unsubscribe requests promptly. This builds trust with clients and demonstrates transparency.

To stay compliant, familiarize yourself with email marketing regulations:

Tips to Help Your Business Grow Through Emails


Email marketing can grow your business by increasing leads and conversions. We’ve put together some “next level” methods to take your email marketing efforts to that, yes, next level. 

1. Leverage Automation for Personalized Emails

While it’s impossible to tailor emails for every recipient individually, email automation allows you to send highly personalized messages based on user interactions. Here’s how to do it:

Behavior-Based Triggers

Set up triggers that respond to user actions. For instance, if a client clicks on a link in one of your educational emails about homeowners insurance, you can automatically send them more information about homeowners insurance. 


Segment your email list based on user behavior, demographics, or other criteria. Then, create automated email sequences for each segment. For example, you could have a different sequence for new leads, existing clients, and clients with upcoming policy renewals.

Drip Campaigns

Develop automated email drip campaigns that gradually nurture leads over time. You can guide potential clients through decision-making by delivering relevant content at the right time.

2. A/B Testing Email Variations

Email A/B testing is a powerful method for learning about your customers’ engagement and behavior and leveraging that learning to optimize your email marketing campaigns. The process involves sending two variations of the same email to different groups of subscribers to determine which performs better. Here’s how to make the most of A/B testing:

Subject Lines

Test different subject lines to see which garners a higher open rate. For instance, you could A/B test a subject line with a question versus a clear benefit statement. But be sure to also look at reporting all the way down to conversion–because a higher open rate may not always lead to a higher conversion rate.

Content and Design

Experiment with variations of your email content, layout, and design. Test different visuals, call-to-action buttons, and text to see what resonates best with your audience.

Send Times

Determine the optimal time to send your emails by testing different send times and days. This can significantly impact your open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.


Test the frequency of your emails. Some subscribers prefer regular updates, while others appreciate less frequent communication.

By consistently A/B testing your email elements, you can refine your email strategy to match the preferences and behaviors of your audience, resulting in higher engagement and conversion rates.

3. Encourage Referrals with Incentives

Referral marketing can be a game-changer for insurance agents and companies. It involves clients referring friends, family, or colleagues to you in exchange for incentives. Here’s how you can effectively encourage referrals through email:

Referral Program Announcement

Send an email announcing your referral program. Explain the benefits and incentives that clients can receive when they refer someone to your services.

Customized Referral Links

Provide each client with a unique referral link that they can share with their network. This allows you to track referrals accurately.


Offer attractive incentives, such as discounts on premiums, gift cards, or other rewards, to the referrer and the referred individual.

Regular Reminders

Periodically send reminder emails to clients about the referral program and the potential rewards they can earn. This keeps the program top of mind.

Your existing client base can be your best marketing channel. By leveraging email to promote these programs, you can tap into your existing client base to expand your reach and acquire new clients.

4. Create a Sense of Urgency in Your Emails

A sense of urgency is a powerful psychological trigger that can drive action. When used strategically in your emails, it can boost engagement and conversions. Here’s how to create urgency in your email marketing campaigns:

Limited-Time Offers

Highlight time-sensitive promotions or discounts in your emails. For instance, you could run a “Limited Time Only: 24-Hour Savings” campaign for insurance policy sign-ups.

Countdown Timers

Incorporate countdown timers in your emails to visually illustrate the remaining time for a particular offer. This visual cue can prompt immediate action.

Scarcity Messaging

Emphasize limited availability or limited spots for special programs, creating a fear of missing out (FOMO) among your recipients.

Action-Oriented Language

Use persuasive language that encourages subscribers to act quickly. Phrases like “Act Now,” “Don’t Miss Out,” and “Last Chance” can motivate recipients.

Incorporating these advanced strategies into your email marketing efforts can take your insurance business to the next level. 

B2B Insurance Marketing

For B2B insurance email marketing, focus on creating emails that address the unique needs of businesses, such as commercial insurance, liability coverage, and employee benefits. Tailor your content to the concerns and challenges faced by business owners.

You still need a content marketing plan and to use email marketing best practices when sending emails. Keep these tips in mind for B2B insurance email marketing: 

Develop Strong Industry Expertise

Insurance needs can vary significantly between sectors, so becoming an industry expert will help you tailor your offerings to the specific needs of your clients. Demonstrate expertise by developing case studies and insightful data-driven resources. 

Build A Strong Network

Build relationships with industry influencers, business associations, and professionals. Attending conferences, seminars, and trade shows is a great way to connect with potential clients and partners. Networking can help you gain referrals and build credibility.

Get Creative With Your Marketing – Leverage Co-marketing, LinkedIn

Partner with businesses that offer complementary services, such as law firms, accounting firms, or cybersecurity companies. Cross-promotion and referrals can be mutually beneficial and grow your customer base. LinkedIn is an excellent channel to reach executives and key decision-makers. Optimize your profile, join industry-specific groups, and share valuable content to connect with potential clients and decision-makers.

Workshops and Webinars

Host workshops or webinars that address common challenges, risk management, and other topics. This will help businesses understand their insurance needs better and position you as an educator and problem solver. These events also help you generate leads and build your email list!

Final Thoughts

Email marketing presents you with unmatched growth potential. By understanding your audience, providing valuable content, and adhering to best practices, you can forge meaningful connections with clients, generate leads, and drive growth. 

With the right approach and dedication, email marketing can be a valuable asset in your insurance marketing toolbox. At InboxArmy, we can help with this. We are an email marketing agency that works with businesses throughout the US to drive growth through email marketing. Contact us to learn how our solutions can help you!

Bonus Resource: Email Writing Checklist

This checklist is designed for you to use after you have your email strategy, email list, and your chosen ESP. Confirm your email settings, including your campaign name and sender email. Then use this checklist to write an engaging email for your email list.


  • Identify the subject of the email and use this to write your subject line. Keep the subject line short and eye-catching.
  • Create your design template or use a premade template. 
  • Create your email’s main content. While writing your content, ask, “What’s in it for me?” Think from the reader’s perspective. Why should they keep reading?  Asking these questions helps you provide value to your readers. Ensure they gain something from reading this email. 
  • Choose your call to action (CTA).
  • Include your business contact information.
  • Add your unsubscription link to ensure compliance.
  • Include any other legally required information. 


  • Proofread email subject line, headings, and content.
  • Check all your links.
  • Test your CTA link.
  • Preview responsive email to make sure it displays correctly on mobile. 
  • Send a test email to yourself or your team.

Once you have completed these steps, you should have a polished and engaging email to share with your email list!


About Author

Winner of the ANA Email Experience Council’s 2021 Stefan Pollard Email Marketer of the Year Award, Scott Cohen is a proven email marketing veteran with nearly 20 years of experience as both a brand-side marketer and an email marketing agency executive. He brings to our clients a unique blend of experience building and managing larger CRM and retention teams, sending millions of emails and SMS per week, and award-winning copywriting chops. For more information, follow him on Linkedin

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