Ecommerce Email:
19 Type of Emails you should be sending Religiously

Ecommerce email marketing can be quite like navigating through a field of landmines. One wrong step and you’ll lose a lot of subscribers and, conversely, your revenue.

That’s why you need to know exactly which types of ecommerce emails you should be sending religiously. When you do, your cash register will be singing choruses that will make you smile all the way to the bank.

Why Stores Still Need To Use Ecommerce Emails As Part Of Their Marketing Strategy

I know what you’re probably thinking – email is an archaic communication that people don’t care about anymore. Well, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Email is alive and kicking every other marketing channel’s butt. Let me quickly give you 5 good reasons why stores still need to use ecommerce emails as part of their marketing strategy.

  1. More People Use Email than Any Other Channel

    One of the biggest reasons to invest in email marketing as an ecommerce business is that email has the highest number of users among all communication channels. According to research conducted by Radicati, there are close to 4 billion active email users. Compared that to the 3.5 billion active social media users and email definitely has the edge.

  2. Your Customers Prefer Email

    Yes, despite all the hype over other channels such as social media, chatbots, and other communication channels, consumers still prefer email as their top communication channel when interacting with their favorite brands. This means if you’re not using email to keep in touch with your customers, you’re sabotaging your own success.

  3. Email Offers More Personalization Opportunities

    Of all the marketing channels you may have in your toolbox, none allows you to create and send personalized campaigns at the level which email does. By leveraging powerful tracking and analytics tools, email marketing software gives you insight into who your customer is and what they’re looking for. As a result, you can easily tailor a message that converts better than any message you can post on social media or anywhere else.

  4. Email is More Personal

    Marketing is a lot like asking a girl out on a date. Once she gives you her number, chances of converting, sorry, winning her are higher. Getting a customer’s email address is much like getting a girl’s phone number. It’s permission to enter their personal space. This is why emails have more impact than social media posts, push notifications, and any other types of messages.

  5. Offers Insanely High ROIs

    $44 for every $1 you spend. Those are the kinds of ROI email is capable of bringing in. With numbers like that, email marketing, then, is a no brainer. Note, however, that getting insane ROIs like these is no child’s play. You need to know your way around email marketing. And one aspect of email marketing you need to nail is to know the types of ecommerce emails you need to be sending to your subscriber base.

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Meet the New Mac

Apple’s email campaign to promote the new Mac is an incredible upsell email. In true blue Apple style, the email is clear, concise and precise. There’s no scope of customers’ attention wavering elsewhere but on the messaging and that’s what makes the email an absolute delight for the recipients. Pause, and think for a moment, wouldn’t you love to receive similar emails in your inbox? Your answer is right there!

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By default, the human brain is wired to retain information that’s given out in three’s. Levi’s nails it perfectly in its welcome email, which includes three primary actions the recipients can take. It also offers an incentive to the first-timers, giving them 20% discount for signing up. It contains everything that’s pivotal to a welcome email.

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Birchbox takes the minimalist route with this promotional email, which engages users to participate in a game and claim the price. The typography is distinct, and so is the visual used in the email. All in all, it comes together as a kickass email that does justice to the brand and its core offerings.

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Personalization is the name of the game for all customers out there. So, why should ecommerce brands be left behind? The emailer from Kav does it like no other. Apart from making the message crystal clear to the readers, it presents the USPs of the brand in a single emailer. We love the use of the big, bold hero image - letting the product do all the talking.

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Eyebob’s email has a prominent CTA - Book an Appointment along with a range of eyewear in the next fold and the benefits of the brand. It’s clean, minimal, and does what an ecommerce emailer should do - retain the interest of the customers and lead them to take a call to action.

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Soak and Sleep

The announcement emailer from Soak and Sleep provides a clear cut messaging on their product range. It not just directs the readers to browse the products, but also gives a quick glimpse of the same. And to add on, they also have a quick social proof - customer reviews, which makes a strong case for buying their products.

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Lush brand emphasizes on foot care in this emailer. It keeps things simple and minimalistic with a CTA to take customers to its product page. In addition, it also highlights its USPs, and announces a social media contest. It is an emailer that does the trick of retaining customers’ interest almost instantaneously.

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Old Navy

Old Navy’s email looks more like a neat poster, with all the information handy for the customers. From getting a 20% discount to list of new arrivals, the welcome email post sign up is worth taking a note of.

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When it comes to winning the battle for the inbox, you’ll have to make sure you only play your “A” game. Implement email marketing best practices. Here are a few you can’t afford to ignore:

Ecommerce Email Marketing Best Practices – 13 Things You Must Do

  1. Never, under any circumstances, rent or buy an email list – This is a big no-no in email marketing. Not only is it unethical, but it can also harm your brand reputation and lead to legal issues. Instead, focus on building your own email list organically through lead magnets, opt-ins, and other strategies.
  2. Segment your email list – Your subscribers are not all the same, so it’s important to segment your list based on factors such as demographics, behavior, interests, and preferences. This will allow you to tailor your messages to each group and improve your targeting and conversion rates.
  3. Always personalize subject lines and content – You may have multiple target audience that you’re trying to reach via emails. But what if you know you can’t reach your entire audience with a single message? That’s where personalization comes in.Personalization is key to making your emails more engaging and relevant to your subscribers. Use their name, location, or other data to personalize subject lines and content and make them feel valued.
  4. Use mobile responsive templates – More and more people are checking their emails on their mobile devices, so it’s important to use templates that are optimized for mobile. This will ensure that your emails are readable and accessible on any device. The message has to be delivered to the recipients in a clear and succinct manner, with a design that’s memorable for them. With limited screen real estate, you need to check the UI/UX twice as much.
  5. Keep your main message above the fold – The “fold” is the point at which the email preview ends and the subscriber needs to scroll down to read more. Make sure your main message, call-to-action, and key information are above the fold so that they are immediately visible.
  6. Clean your email list regularly – Over time, your email list may accumulate inactive or invalid email addresses, which can harm your deliverability and engagement rates. Regularly clean your list by removing inactive or invalid subscribers and sending re-engagement campaigns to those who haven’t interacted with your emails in a while. At the same time, keep growing your email list.
  7. Avoid using “no-reply” in the sender address field (it’s a total turn off) – Using a “no-reply” email address can make your emails seem impersonal and unapproachable. Instead, use a real person’s name or a general email address that subscribers can reply to if they have any questions or feedback.
  8. Offer incentives to increase open and engagement rates – Incentives such as discounts, freebies, or exclusive content can motivate subscribers to open your emails and take action. Use them strategically to boost your engagement rates and drive conversions.
  9. Use an ESP that aligns with your business model and goals – An email service provider (ESP) is the software you use to send your emails. Choose an ESP that offers the features and integrations that align with your business model and goals, and that fits your budget and technical requirements.
  10. Always A/B test – A/B testing involves sending two versions of the same email to a subset of your list and comparing their performance to determine which version is more effective. Always test different elements such as subject lines, CTAs, or visuals to optimize your emails and improve your results over time.
  11. Start a welcome email series – What time is the best time to start a string of emails to your customers? It is when they’ve just signed up for your newsletter or website. They voluntary want to hear from you and therefore, when you send a welcome series of 3 emails, the new subscribers will get to know you more before they are on the regular email list. Once you build this quick rapport, you can tailor their messages and get guaranteed open rates thereafter. Here’s a post on our welcome email series, which will give you a better perspective.
  12. Offer Members-Only Discounts – We spoke about incentives in the points above. Let’s look at a great example of how members-only discounts do their trick. The best example is Starbucks. Their card lets members upgrade their drink and get a freebie on their birthday. While this is not an ecommerce example per se, you do get the drift. Also remember when social media channel Clubhouse launched? It dwelled on members-only exclusivity, which worked like a charm. Similarly, make way for member-only discounts for your target audience to woo them and build brand loyalty. Next, take it to the second level with loyal-customers only discount.
  13. Add a dash of humor – A little humor works fantastic for ecommerce brands. You can always experiment with tongue-in-cheek, punny, subject lines that make the recipients notice. Try it a few times, and if it works, then there is nothing like it. You’ve nailed the strategy and hooked your audience!

How to Measure the Effectiveness of eCommerce Email Campaigns?

If you want to derive the best results for your ecommerce business, the first thing you need to do is to measure the effectiveness of your email campaigns. While there are several ways to do so, here are some of the metrics we highly recommend:

  1. Open Rate

    For email marketers, the open rate has always been a widely used and uncomplicated metric. It helps to monitor the proportion of subscribers who open a particular email, providing valuable information on the engagement level of our subscribers and the performance of various subject lines.
  2. Click-through rate (CTR)

    1. CTR would indicate what percentage of subscribers clicked on the link.
    2. There are several ways to improve the click-through rates when crafting an email such as including links throughout the email and incorporate an attention-grabbing call-to-action button.
    3. Compared to open rates, click-through rates are typically much lower (slightly above 2%).
  3. Conversion rate

    1. Conversion rates provide valuable insight into your return on investment.
    2. When you know how much you have invested and the number of subscribers who converted, it becomes easier to evaluate the effectiveness of your campaign and determine whether the money invested is yielding positive results.
  4. Bounce rate

    1. Measures the number of subscriber email addresses that didn’t receive your email
    2. Soft bounces are temporary problems while hard bounces are permanent problems
    3. High percentage of hard bounces indicate low-quality email lists
    4. Double opt-in requirement can decrease bounce rates
  5. Number of unsubscribes

    1. Measures the number of people who unsubscribed from your email.
    2. High number of unsubscribes indicate list fine-tuning.
    3. Opportunity to unsubscribe builds trust with subscribers.
  6. List growth rate

    1. Measures the rate at which your list is growing.
    2. Calculated by taking the number of new subscribers minus the number of unsubscribes, divided by the total number of email addresses on your list, and then multiplied by 100.
  7. Spam complaints

    1. Measures the number of times your emails have been marked as spam.
    2. High spam complaint rate may lead to email service provider taking action against you.
    3. Avoiding spam filters is important to maximize email campaign results.
  8. Forwarding rate/email sharing

    1. Measures the percentage of recipients who shared your email through social media or forwarded it to a friend.
    2. Indicates brand advocates and what percentage of subscribers are recommending your emails to others.
  9. Engagement over time

    1. Tracks engagement over time to determine the best times of day to send messages.
    2. Email service providers may automate this feature, but it’s recommended to track this metric on your own.
  10. Overall ROI

    1. Tells you the overall return on investment for your email campaigns.
    2. Calculated by taking the money made from the campaign minus the money spent, divided by the money invested, and then multiplied by 100.
  11. Email sharing rate

    1. Indicates how many times a recipient shared your email through their social media.
    2. Calculated by dividing the amount of “share this” clicks by the number of total emails delivered, then multiplied by 100.
  12. Mobile open rate

    1. Works the same way as regular open rate, but applies specifically to mobile devices.
    2. Mobile open rates are more popular during the weekends.
  13. Mobile click rate

    1. Works the same way as regular click rate, but applies specifically to mobile devices.
    2. Mobile click rates are usually much lower than desktop click rates.
    3. Mobile click rate may be affected by Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection feature.

While this is not a comprehensive list of email marketing best practices, they are enough to get you started scoring some big wins with your email marketing.

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    It would be unfair on you if we concluded this post without warning you about some common email marketing ecommerce mistakes you need to avoid. This is because any slip up could cost you a lot of money. So, here are the top ecommerce email mistakes you need to avoid:


    7 Ecommerce Email Marketing Mistake You Need to Avoid Like the Plague


    1. Failing to get permission : Use double opt-in to avoid this.
    2. Failing to get permission : Sending too many emails : Set up up a preference center and give your subscribers control over frequency of communication.
    3. Failing to get permission : Weak email copy : Always engage the help of professionals to craft your email copy.
    4. Failing to get permission : Poor email design : Design impacts user experience, therefore choose templates that are simple and uncluttered.
    5. Failing to get permission : Failing to plan for mistakes : Mistakes, although unwanted, happen. Always have a contingency plan in the eventuality of sending a wrong email or promoting the wrong product.
    6. Failing to get permission : Making the call-to-action hard to find : Your CTA is a critical component of your email and should always be prominent.
    7. Failing to get permission : Creating image heavy emails: Images make emails load slower. And some email clients and email users turn images off by default. When this happens, your emails will become unreadable.

    These 7 email marketing mistakes should be avoided like they plague. They have the potential of ruining your reputation and tanking your revenue.


    Future Trends of Ecommerce Email Marketing

    The revenue from email marketing is expected to exceed $11 billion in 2023. To make the most of the opportunity, email marketers need to stay updated with the latest developments and trends. In no particular order, these are:


    70% of millennials hold an unfavorable view of brands that don’t send them personalized emails?
    Customers now want brands to speak directly to them. Marketers can take personalization up a notch by using dynamic content that changes based on users’ browsing history or past purchases. Personalization is a potent tool that can strengthen a brand’s relationship with its customers and boost the effectiveness of its email marketing campaigns.

    Engaging content

    Engaging email content can increase open rates, click-through rates, and drive customer engagement. Fortnum & Mason is an excellent example of this. Their emails do not feel like sales pitches, which is why they are so effective at promoting their products. Even just seeing a picture of their biscuit can pique customers’ interest.

    Interactive elements

    Interactive emails that allow customers to engage with the content in a more dynamic way are proven to be more effective at driving conversions. Polls can help you better understand your audience’s preferences and interests. Quizzes can be used to educate and entertain your audience, while surveys can help you gather feedback about your products or services. Interactive emails typically require custom development, and businesses use HTML coding to add features such as radio buttons, drop-down menus, and form fields. However, not all email service providers can handle this type of message due to its complexity.

    Mobile optimization

    Smartphones are increasingly important in our lives, with more and more people checking their emails on them. As a result, it’s essential to ensure that the emails you send are easy to read and navigate on small screens. This means using a responsive design that automatically adjusts to the size of the device and keeping the content simple and easy to consume.

    Adopting automation

    Email automation can help businesses generate revenue by sending reminder emails to customers who abandoned their cart, with a special offer or a link to the cart to encourage them to complete their purchase. Similarly, businesses can use automation to send a thank you email to customers who have made a purchase, which includes a survey or a request for a product review.
    To stand out in a crowded inbox and create personalized and relevant content that resonates with the target audience, businesses should leverage data and use advanced technologies such as machine learning and automation to understand customer behavior and preferences. Additionally, businesses should strive to create interactive and mobile-optimized emails that are designed to engage and convert.

    Don't Leave Money on the Table -
    Every Email Counts

    Knowing every ecommerce email you need to send and when to send it is critical to growing your business. Leave out one type of email for ecommerce in your campaign and you can end up leaving money on the table. And that is just not good for business.

    Need help? Get in touch with our Ecommerce Email Marketing Agency.

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