Omnisend Vs Klaviyo: Which One Is Best?

Written by: Garin Hobbs

Published on: 06-14-2024

Omnisend and Klaviyo are two great options on the market—but how do you tell which one is right for your business? We created this side-by-side Omnisend vs Klaviyo Comparison to make the decision easier. We’ve reviewed the best features from each platform and compared the free plans and pricing to get you fully up to speed.

Note: These platforms update and upgrade their features and functionality all the time.
Our email agency is ESP-agnostic. We don’t resell any tools or ESPs. The comparison presented below is based on my experience.

Omnisend: It is an excellent option if you’re: fairly new to email marketing and want to set up a campaign for a small-to-medium-sized business.

Klaviyo: It is best for fairly experienced email marketers looking to create intricate campaigns for medium-to-large eCommerce store owners.

Omnisend vs Klaviyo: Overall Comparison

Feature Omnisend Klaviyo
Focus Ecommerce Ecommerce
Free Plan 500 emails/month (The contact list size is unlimited) 500 emails/month (Limits your contact list size to 250)
Pricing Plans based on contact list size Plans based on contact list size and sends
Automation Workflows with triggers & conditional splits. Automated web push notifications. Can be used for omnichannel marketing approach. Workflows with triggers and conditional splits. No web push notifications.
Segmentation Impressive segmentation capabilities but they’re more basic than Klaviyo’s. More advanced than Omnisend. Create highly advanced, in-depth segments with their predictive analytics feature
Integrations Integrates with major ecommerce tools and platforms, CRMs and marketing tools Integrates with major ecommerce tools and platforms, CRMs and marketing tools
Support You get 24*7 live chat and email support No customer support for free plan users after 60 days
Landing Pages Yes No
Reporting Yes Yes
Omnichannel Marketing Yes (SMS, web push notifications, push notifications) SMS (Limited to US, the UK, New Zealand, Australia, and Canada)

Who is Each Platform Built For?

Who is Each Platform built for


Its user-friendly interface, pre-built templates, drag-and-drop email builder, and excellent customer support mean you don’t need any previous email marketing experience to get up and running. In fact, you’d struggle to find another tool that provides such a gentle learning curve into the world of omnichannel marketing.

However, more experienced marketers will likely find Omnisend’s limitations frustrating. For instance, the segmentation and A/B testing are relatively basic. Plus, the platform doesn’t offer as many native eCommerce integrations as Klaviyo, so it’s not ideal for businesses that rely heavily on platforms besides Shopify.


It gives you access to predictive analytics, advanced A/B testing, and native integrations with a number of eCommerce platforms.

Its more advanced nature means it’s quite technical, and the learning curve is much steeper than it is for Omnisend. Yet, if you’re used to creating highly targeted email marketing campaigns, it shouldn’t take you long to get used to Klaviyo.

Omnisend Vs Klaviyo: Feature Comparison

Before choosing an email marketing platform, you need to know as much as possible about the features it provides. After all, these are what you’ll rely on to create a targeted, effective campaign that increases conversions and revenue.

In this section, we take a deep dive into each tool’s most important features. We also discuss how Omnisend and Klaviyo’s features compare to each other to help you select the right platform for you.

Email Design

omnisend vs klaviyo comparison in terms of Email Design

Both Omnisend and Klaviyo are primarily focused on their email marketing services. So, the quality and functionality of their email design tools are very important.

Thankfully, both platforms provide user-friendly drag-and-drop email builders that help you design emails in no time.

Both email builders are ideal for beginners and you don’t need to have any coding experience to use them. You can simply choose a pre-built template and start customizing it.

Adding CTAs, text, and images is an absolute breeze, so when it comes to usability, there’s nothing to separate the two platforms.

Klaviyo allows you to easily include products from your store within your email templates, allowing customers to click through to your products directly from the emails they receive.

Omnisend also offers some pretty good eCommerce features in its own email builder. For example, the template editor allows you to add discount codes and gamification to your emails.

Winner: In terms of eCommerce features within the email builder tool, Klaviyo outperforms Omnisend.

Score: Klaviyo 1, Omnisend 0



Both platforms provide pre-built email templates. How do these templates compare with each other?

Klaviyo gives you access to more than 100 newsletter templates. You get the standard template designs you’d expect from an email marketing platform and some promotional templates you can use for offers and discounts.

As well as being able to add text and images, you can also customize the templates with tables, columns, and buttons.

Omnisend gives you access to fewer templates, but they tend to be more customizable than Klaviyo’s. Omnisend’s editor allows you to add things like dynamic product content and it gives you more control over the layouts, too.

As with Klaviyo’s email builder, you get promotional templates that are mobile-responsive and really easy to use. Plus, you get a variety of other templates such as abandoned cart recovery emails, welcome emails, and seasonal emails.

Winner: In this category, due to the levels of customization, Omnisend comes out on top even though it provides fewer templates than Klaviyo. Still, both platforms are great options for creating highly personalized email campaigns.

Score: Klaviyo 1, Omnisend 1



It’s vital that you can track the progress of your campaigns. To do this, you need access to detailed reports and analytics.

Both platforms have advanced features for analytics and allow you to monitor metrics like:

  • Click rates
  • Open rates
  • Conversion rates
  • Revenue generated from a campaign

On top of this, Omnisend provides dashboards and visual reports that help you track the performance of both your email and SMS campaigns. It also allows you to keep tabs on the purchase history and behavior of individual subscribers.

As the Klaviyo comes with predictive analytics. This feature allows you to forecast the behavior and lifetime value of customers over time. Armed with this data, you can create targeted email campaigns designed to increase customer engagement, retention, and revenue.

Winner: Although Omnisend’s analytics features are great, we have to say that Klaviyo’s are more useful for eCommerce businesses.

Score: Klaviyo 2, Omnisend 1

SMS marketing


When it comes to the functionality of their SMS marketing tools, Klaviyo and Omnisend are very similar. They both allow you to automate your SMS workflows so that messages are triggered by certain events, like order confirmations. You can also use both platforms to get opt-in consent from customers via SMS.

The only real difference between the two SMS tools is that Omnisend allows you to set up SMS campaigns in all countries. On the other hand, Klaviyo currently only supports SMS campaigns in five countries: the US, the UK, New Zealand, Australia, and Canada.

Winner: If you’re in need of SMS across the globe, Omnisend is your choice.

Score: Klaviyo 2, Omnisend 2



Automation workflows are a necessary part of email marketing for all eCommerce store owners. Even if your subscriber list isn’t huge, you’ll still need to use automation workflows to streamline your campaigns.

The good news is that both of these email marketing tools give you access to a range of pre-built automation workflows.

With Omnisend, you get the following workflows:

  • Post-purchase
  • Welcome
  • Browse abandonment
  • Cart abandonment
  • Transactional
  • Special occasions

These workflows can then be customized to help your business meet its desired goals. Plus, you can automate your messages to send when specific triggers occur. This includes events like clicked and opened messages.

Omnisend allows you to set up automated web push notifications too. These can be used as part of an omnichannel marketing approach alongside your email and SMS campaigns. (Currently, Klaviyo doesn’t have this capability.)

Klaviyo does have workflows for cart abandonment, browse abandonment, and welcome emails. Additionally, it includes:

  • Cross-sell/product review workflows
  • Customer thank you workflows
  • Customer win-back workflows

Winner: Again, there isn’t a huge amount to separate Omnisend and Klaviyo here. Yet, when you combine Klaviyo’s automation workflows with its predictive analytics and segmentation features (which we cover next), you get something very powerful.

Score: Klaviyo 3, Omnisend 2



Segmentation enables you to divide your audience into smaller, more specific groups that you can target with highly relevant emails.

Klaviyo has more advanced features than Omnisend. The segments you can create are unlimited and you can use almost any data and criteria you want to segment your audience.

One of the best things about Klaviyo’s segmentation tool is that you can use data from their predictive analytics feature to create highly advanced, in-depth segments. For example, you can segment your audience based on things like churn risk and lifetime value.

Omnisend’s segmentation capabilities are also impressive but they’re more basic than Klaviyo’s. They allow you to segment your audience into three main categories: campaign activity, profile data, and shopping behavior. Then, you can layer these segments to create more detailed segmentation.

In this category, the tool you prefer will most likely come down to one thing—your previous email marketing experience.

Winner: If you’re a beginner, Omnisend’s pre-built segment suggestions and “Segment Builder Helper” make it really easy to use the tool. If you’re an experienced email marketer, you’ll probably find Klaviyo’s more complex but advanced tool more useful.

Score: Klaviyo 4, Omnisend 3



Both Klaviyo and Omnisend can be integrated with the biggest eCommerce platforms such as Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, and Magento.

While Klaviyo is more focused on integrations with eCommerce platforms, Omnisend can also be integrated with shipping providers, CRMs, customer support software, online form builders, and landing page tools.

If you run an eCommerce business, both tools provide native integration with Shopify. As a result, you can create personalized email campaigns based on customer data from Shopify, like purchase history.

In terms of integration, the tool that’s right for you will depend on your specific business needs.

Winners: If you’re looking for a tool that can be integrated with a diverse range of third-party platforms, Omnisend is your best bet. If deep integration with various eCommerce marketplaces is what you need, we’d recommend Klaviyo.

Score: Klaviyo 5, Omnisend 4

There are also other platforms on the market with a much broader range of third-party integrations. For example, ActiveCampaign has over 870 available integrations. If you’d like to learn more about this, read our ActiveCampaign Vs Klaviyo review.

A/B testing

how does AB testing takes place in both omnisend and klaviyo

When it comes to A/B testing, Klaviyo is the clear winner. But why?

Omnisend currently only allows you to A/B test sender names and subject lines. This means its testing capabilities are very limited.

Klaviyo, on the other hand, allows you to test loads of different variables, including:

  • CTAs
  • Send times
  • Email content
  • Subject lines
  • URL parameters

Plus, Klaviyo’s A/B testing for both email and SMS is unlimited and there are no restrictions whatsoever.

Winner: For businesses looking for data-driven optimization of their SMS and email marketing channels, Klaviyo is by far the best option.

Score: Klaviyo 6, Omnisend 4

Omnisend vs Klaviyo: Pricing & Free Plans

Naturally, one of the most important things to consider when choosing an email marketing tool for your business is the price and what’s included in the free plan.

In terms of free plans, both platforms are pretty generous. Let’s break down exactly what you get with each plan.

Omnisend’s Free Plan

  • You can send up to 500 emails per month.
  • The contact list size is unlimited.
  • You get access to landing pages.
  • You can use most of its features but some of them, like advanced reporting, are limited to the paid plans.

Klaviyo’s Free Plan

  • Also allows you to send up to 500 emails per month.
  • Limits your contact list size to 250.
  • Gives you unlimited access to all of its features.

Now, let’s take a look at each platform’s paid plans.

Omnisend’s Paid Plans

  • Standard (up to 500 contacts): $16 per month
  • Pro (up to 500 contacts): $59 per month

Klaviyo’s Paid Plans

  • Email (up to 500 contacts): $20 per month
  • Email and SMS (up to 500 contacts & 1,250 monthly SMS credits): $35 per month

As with most email marketing platforms, the price of each plan increases based on the number of contacts you have.

For example, Klaviyo’s “Email” plan is $155 per month if you have 6,000 – 6,500 contacts and Omnisend’s “Standard” plan is $106 per month for the same number of contacts.

Klaviyo Vs Omnisend: Customer Support

Although Klaviyo is a more complicated tool to use than Omnisend, it offers slightly less in the way of onboarding and customer support. Here’s how the two compare in terms of customer support:

Omnisend’s customer support

Omnisend users get access to the “Omnisend Academy”. This provides recordings of events, workshops, and curated guides designed to onboard new users as seamlessly as possible. Omnisend also provides customers with 24/7 live chat and email support.

The best thing about this is that all of Omnisend’s customer support is available to customers on free plans. So, even if you don’t plan to upgrade to a paid account, you can still access amazing levels of support.

Here’s what Monalisa M. had to say about Omnisend’s customer support in their Capterra review:

“It has been amazing using Omnisend. It’s easy to use and there are video tutorials. Also, customer service gives great responses. Overall, it’s very user friendly.”

Klaviyo’s customer support

While Klaviyo also offers tutorials, it only gives free plan users access to its email support for the first 60 days after they start their plan. This means you’ll either need to upgrade to a paid plan or continue using the free version with no access to customer support.

Still, some users online are positive about Klaviyo’s level of customer support, as this Capterra review from Cecilia V. shows:

“The customer service responded quickly, and there are tons of materials to check online if you are stuck with a feature.”

Omnisend vs Klaviyo Pros & Cons

Omnisend Pros & Cons

Omnisend’s best and worst features include:


  • Customizable templates: Although you get fewer templates compared to Klaviyo, they’re more customizable as you can adjust the layouts and add dynamic content.
  • Good for beginners: Omnisend’s user interface is simpler than Klaviyo’s and the tool has a gentler learning curve.
  • Omnichannel marketing: Allows you to combine SMS and email marketing with browser push notifications for a strong omnichannel approach.
  • Diverse integrations: As well as eCommerce platforms, it can also integrate with shipping providers, CRMs, and more.
  • Excellent customer support: Even if you only have a free plan, you gain access to the “Omnisend Academy” and 24/7 live chat and email support.


  • No predictive analytics: Unlike Klaviyo, there is no predictive analytics data for metrics like churn risk and lifetime value.
  • Basic A/B testing: You can only A/B test subject lines and sender names.
  • Limited native eCommerce integrations: Omnisend offers native integration with Shopify. However, it doesn’t allow for as many native eCommerce platform integrations as Klaviyo.

Klaviyo Pros & Cons

Klaviyo’s best and worst features include:


  • Advanced A/B testing: You can A/B test for a wide range of variables including CTAs, send times, and email content.
  • Predictive analytics: Gives you access to predictive analytics data so you can forecast lifetime value and customer behavior.
  • Full free plan features access: With the free plan, you get access to all of Klaviyo’s features.
  • Deep eCommerce integrations: Allows for native integration with several of the biggest eCommerce platforms such as WooCommerce, BigCommerce, and Wix.


  • Not good for beginners: Klaviyo is a complex email marketing platform with a steep learning curve which means it’s best suited to experienced marketers.
  • Restricted SMS regions: Currently, it only supports SMS campaigns in five countries.
  • Limited customer support: Its customer support isn’t as extensive as Omnisend’s and free plan users lose email support access after 60 days.

Klaviyo Vs Omnisend FAQs

Do I need user consent to collect sensitive data with Omnisend and Klaviyo?

Yes, to collect and process sensitive data through any email service provider, you must first obtain explicit consent from the user. By doing so, you ensure you have a lawful basis to collect this kind of data.

Should I delete unsubscribed contacts from my Omnisend contacts list?

It’s not usually a good idea to delete contacts from your Omnised contacts list. Instead, you can simply change their status to “unsubscribed”. This means they won’t receive any emails from you and they won’t be counted as a contact when it comes to pricing.

However, you’ll still retain the user information if you need it in the future.

What are the alternatives to Omnisend and Klaviyo?

If you don’t want to use Omnisend or Klaviyo, there are plenty of alternative email service providers on the market. These include:

  • Mailchimp
  • ActiveCampaign
  • GetResponse
  • Drip
  • Constant Contact
  • Campaign Monitor

Omnisend Vs Klaviyo: Final Verdict

So, who comes out on top in our Omnisend vs Klaviyo side-by-side comparison?

Overall, they’re both great platforms that can help you build effective marketing campaigns with both email and SMS. If you need to automate workflows, design eye-catching templates, and segment your audience, then either tool is a good option.

However, which one you choose will depend on the specific needs of your business and your level of marketing experience.

For experienced email marketers at medium-to-large businesses, Klaviyo is the best choice. For beginners, we’d highly recommend going with Omnisend.

Want to see how these platforms compare to other effective ESPs? Check out our other side-by-side reviews like Mailchimp Vs HubSpot.

If you need more help choosing the perfect email service provider for your business, check out InboxArmy’s ESP evaluation service. We’ve matched clients with over 40 different ESPs and our thorough process is guaranteed to find the best fit for your specific marketing needs.

About Author

Garin Hobbs is a seasoned Martech and Marketing professional with over 20 years of successful product marketing, customer success, strategy, and sales experience. With a career spanning across ESPs, agencies, and technology providers, Garin is recognized for his broad experience in growing email impact and revenue, helping launch new programs and products, and developing the strategies and thought leadership to support them. Understanding how to optimally align people, process, and technology to produce meaningful outcomes, Garin has worked to deliver sustainable improvements in consumer experience and program revenue for such brands as Gap, Starbucks, Macy’s, Foot Locker, Bank of America, United Airlines, and Hilton Hotels. For more information, follow him on Linkedin

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