People love free trials. That’s the simple truth of human nature.

But free trials are also an ideal opportunity to get your “hooks” into a customer and make them believe that your product is the end-all-be-all solution to their problems. You just have to get them to use it, believe it, and, yes, pay for it.

It’s hard.

Some trial users are just there to explore. Others are reluctant to spend money. So how do we convince these “window shoppers” to make the leap and convert?

In this article, I’ll share some insights and tips on how you can navigate the world of free trial conversion rate. Please grab a cup of coffee (or tea), and let’s dive in!

What is a Free Trial Conversion Rate?

It’s always a good idea to start by identifying the key metric you should be driving here, which in this case is trial-to-paid users conversion. Simply put, if you’re using a free trial strategy as a starting point for your customer journey, this metric is the pulse of your business indicating how successful you are at keeping these “dabblers” in the fold.

This metric measures the percentage of users to convert from a free trial to a subscription. Or to put another way, how well is your product trial (and the corresponding messaging) convincing to stick around and become paying customers?

From this conversion rate though, you’ll be able to establish a benchmark and focus on understanding why users are converting (or not converting). You shouldn’t get too hung up on hitting a specific number (after all, we all want a 100% of good trial conversion rate). It’s about continuous learning and improvement.

What is a Good Free to Paid Conversion Rate?

Two words: It depends.

A “good” conversation rate can vary depending on many factors: Your industry, your target audience demographics, and, of course, the sheer awesomeness of your product or service.

But since you’re here, let me give you some reasonable benchmarks to give you a head start on finding your own:

  • In B2B, your business usually invests more time and energy in onboarding, outreach, and support. As a result, the conversion rate is generally higher–a 25% conversion rate is considered good. Anything higher than 30% is well above average.
  • In B2C, the investment isn’t as strong, and conversion rates are generally lower than that of B2B. You’ll find that a 15% conversion rate is decent.

Your conversion rate will also differ depending on the type of trial you offer. For example:

  • Opt-in SaaS trials drive an 18% average conversion rate.
  • Opt-out SaaS trials drive as high as 49% conversion rate–but keep in mind there are trade-offs to this approach which I’ll get into later.

Obviously, you want your conversion rate to be as high as possible. But don’t sweat it if you’re not hitting these benchmarks right away. It’s your cue to continuously optimize your free trial experience to educate users and make them eager to stick around for the long haul.

How To Calculate Your Free to Paid Conversion Rate

How To Calculate Your Free to Paid Conversion Rate

It’s not often I can say high school math has paid off for me, but here we are. To calculate your free trial conversion rate to paid conversion rate, divide the number of paid users, who upgraded to a paid plan by the total number of free users, then multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

How to Convert Free Trial Users to Paid/Paying Customers


Ah, the million-dollar question – how do you actually convince those free trial users to whip out their wallets and become paying customers? Providing value upfront is a given, but let’s dig deeper. 

1. Set a Clear Stage: Establish Expectations 

Before the trial, communicate your value proposition, pricing, and trial terms. Make it crystal clear what you’re offering and the cost to the user. Identify the duration, features, fee, transition, and how customers can cancel their trial. 

Once the basics are in place, take your communication even further:

  • Deliver Effective Onboarding Emails: Send an effective welcome email to guide users and boost engagement. Personalize the email and reiterate value.
  • Encourage Self-Service: Self-service options save both you and your users time. Highlight resources, FAQs, and guides to enable new users to get up to speed fast.
  • Build Community: Share user success stories, inspiration, and reviews. Demonstrate the valuable outcomes you have already provided others. 

2. Make the User Journey as Hassle-Free as Possible

Put yourself in your prospect’s shoes. What is the trial and onboarding experience like from their perspective? Is it seamless or overwhelming?

You want to show your prospects all of your product’s awesome features and benefits. You want to collect as much as possible when they sign up as well. But you have to strike a balance between gathering data for you and getting them into and comfortable with the solution.

Ask only the number of questions you need to facilitate a seamless and intuitive user experience. The more questions you ask, the more overwhelming you can be, and the more likely your trial user is to abandon their usage.

The ease of use during the trial journey is crucial. From onboarding to using core features, every interaction should be smooth and effortless, encouraging users to continue with the free trial product and not run away after being overwhelmed. 

Before your free trial users sign up:

  1. Ensure each step maintains a coherent narrative.
  2. Confirm that each step contributes to achieving the user’s expected functional or emotional outcomes.
  3. Evaluate the necessity of each form field on your signup page.
  4. Address objections, anxieties, or concerns as they arise.
  5. Maintain consistency in language, messaging, and functionality with your marketing efforts.
  6. Establish credibility through social proof, testimonials, and real-world outcomes.
  7. Eliminate unnecessary friction and distractions from workflows.

After your free trial users sign up:

  1. Streamline the first-run experience workflow as much as possible.
  2. Minimize waiting or idle time for users–keep them engaging with your product and continually seeing the value for themselves. 
  3. Provide guided demos or product tours.
  4. Incentivize or direct customers toward desired behaviors.
  5. Use email communication to assist users in navigating the product or achieving desired outcomes.
  6. Optimize one aspect at a time to accurately gauge its impact on free trial conversion rate.

3. Personalize Your Approach

Personalize Your Approach

Personalization isn’t just for email marketing campaigns –the entire onboarding and trial conversion process benefits from personalization. Whether through targeted emails, in-app messages, or push notifications, you need to make you’re speaking directly to the needs and desires of each user.

Take the time to segment your audience based on their behavior, preferences, or demographics, and tailor your messaging accordingly. Within the first few hours of a user initiating their trial, track the user behavior and engagement and personalize your outreach.

Personalize each user’s experience, simply collect customer data like demographics on sign-up—prompt users to provide more info when they log into their trial account. If you don’t know, ask. Userpilot asks users about their jobs to be done immediately upon launching their welcome screen.

4. Gamify Your Trial and Onboarding Progress

Gamification a game-changer (see what I did there?) for trial onboarding and conversions. As users begin their journey, they’re not just navigating tutorials; they are engaging in challenges, earning rewards, and tracking progress. This immersive experience keeps them hooked and motivated to complete each step. 

Gamification makes learning enjoyable, fosters social interaction, and gives users a positive impression of our product. By breaking down tasks and offering rewards for milestones, users feel accomplished and ready to dive deeper. 

Plus, with leader boards and competitions, they can show off their skills. Ultimately, gamification makes the onboarding experience memorable and drives users to convert into loyal customers.

Prodpad found that shortening and gamifying their trial doubled their conversion rates.

5. Follow Up Regardless of Conversion Success

If a user converts, great! You got a win. Celebrate the milestone and welcome the new customer to the family. 

If a user doesn’t convert, it doesn’t mean they’re a lost cause. Follow up with those users after their free trial period ends, reminding them of the value they experienced and encouraging them to take the plunge. Ask for user feedback and use any insight to reiterate and improve. 

Remember to initiate and maintain those lines of communication throughout the trial to make it easier to touch base afterward. That way, when you reach out post-trial, it’s not the first time they hear from you.

And just in case you think I’m only concerned about email marketing around here, here’s a little nugget of wisdom: For businesses with price points around $10-$15k or higher, user data shows hiring sales reps to call qualified leads can boost your conversion rates by 10% to 15%. Assisted conversions can be two to four times higher than unassisted conversions. So, email marketers – become best friends with your sales team (and vice versa).

Bonus Point: Leverage the Potential of Free Users

Some users may never convert to paying customers. And that’s okay–they still serve a purpose. Product led Companies like Survey Monkey and Miro don’t sweat users who never upgrade. Why? 

These users do a considerable amount of their marketing for them by using and sharing their services. Both of these services must be shared. Think about it—building a survey with Survey Monkey means the user will share that survey with others, i.e., free marketing! Would your business benefit from this?

Using Opt In Vs. Opt Out free Trials

Opt in vs opt out

Let’s address the big question about initial setup: 

Should you require users to opt in or opt-out?

Let’s talk about the difference between the two and how to choose between them.

Opt In Free Trials

An opt in free trial is when a user signs up for a free trial without providing payment information upfront. To upgrade, the user must “opt in” and provide their payment info at a later date. 

Hubspot offers opt in free trial. This description on their trial sign-up page confirms that users will not be automatically upgraded.

Opt Out Free Trials

Opt Out Free Trials

With opt out free trials, user payment info is collected at sign-up and will be automatically charged when the trial ends. The Amazon Prime trial is an example of an opt out free trial. 

Users sign up and enter payment info; only then is their trial initiated. If the user does not want an Amazon Prime account, they must opt-out of the auto-upgrade before the trial ends.  

How to Choose An Opt-In or Opt-Out Trial

How to Choose An Opt In or Opt Out Trial Banner1

Should you require payment info and auto-upgrade users? Think about these factors. 

We talked about these numbers earlier: Opt in free trials for the SaaS industry can achieve a conversion rate of around 18%. They can achieve results as high as 49%. That’s a big difference, and these stats make them seem like the clear winner.

But before you jump on the opt-out bandwagon, look at each choice’s trade-offs. 

Opt-In Trial Trade-Off 

Going opt-in is a quantity play–you get more people in the door, but you also have to work harder to keep these free trial conversions and convert them into paying customers.

With no “skin the game”, these users might not feel as committed. They may not be as motivated to give your product a real shot. They might be more likely to bail on the trial altogether. It’s just the truth.

That’s where killer onboarding and customer experience comes into play. You need to have an experience that makes these users feel the FOMO hard. Engagement and utilization is more difficult, but when you do convert one of these customers, it feels a little more rewarding (at least in my experience).

Opt-Out Trial Trade-Off

Opt-out trials gather payment information. It’s a risk that may discourage potential enrollees (it certainly has deterred me from time to time in the past).

It’s a quality play in that many potential customers may never get to know the value you offer because they abandon at the sight of payment information. It also puts the onus on the customer to cancel the service before the payment deadline–which can be a good and a bad thing. Good in that customers are more likely to forget about the free trial to paid conversion for at least the first month–bad in that you may upset those very customers who forgot.

Yes, the free trial conversion rate is so high, so you’ll need to factor in first month’s cancellation rates as well in terms of overall numbers.

When choosing between the two, consider these questions when choosing between opt-in and opt-out trials:

  1. How well known is my brand? The more well known, the more likely people would be willing to put down payment information to get access to a trial. 
  2. Do I need to attract many new users to grow brand recognition? Or do I need more qualified leads?
  3. Do I build trust before or during the trial? With an opt-out trial, you must establish trust and credibility before the user signs up. Whereas opt-in trials need to build trust during the trial. 
  4. Who are my customer personas? What are their purchasing behaviors?

So, to opt-out or not to opt-out. That is a question–for you to answer ;). 

Types of Free Trials

Types of Free Trials Banner

Now, it’s time to put the strategies we discussed into practice. Here are the types of free trials you can create to boost conversions.

1. Time-Based Trial 

Time-based free trials are the most frequent and common type of trial. Time-based trials are also the highest converting free trial models that SaaS industry businesses can use.

The user access your product or service for a set period, usually from a few days to a few weeks. Common time frames are 7, 14, and 30 days. However, the time you allow the trial to go for has almost no statistical difference in conversions.

Tomasz Tungus recommends shortening your trial to capitalize on the user’s maximum intent at the beginning of the trial. On the flip side, Spotify offers a time-based trial between 1-3 months. 

Time based trial example by spotify

2. Seat-Based Trial 

Seat-based free trials allow businesses to offer a limited number of user licenses or seats for free during the trial period. This allows potential customers to experience the product with a small team or group of users before committing to a paid subscription for additional users.

For example, a project management software company might offer a seat-based trial where the first three user licenses are free for a limited time. During the trial period, a small team within the organization can collaborate and test the software’s core features and functionalities.

This encourages businesses to evaluate the product’s suitability for their entire team or organization and incentivizes them to upgrade to a subscription model, once they’ve experienced the product’s value with a limited number of users. Seat-based trials are more common with enterprise products. 

Slack offers a seat-based trial where the first few user seats are free. 

3. Feature-Based and Freemium Trials

With feature-limited free trials, users access a stripped-down version of your product or service, with certain premium features or functionalities locked behind a paywall. This allows users to experience the core value of your offering while enticing them to upgrade for additional features.

Microsoft Office 365's free trial offering is an example of a feature-limited trial

Microsoft Office 365’s free trial offering is an example of a feature-limited trial. Users can access a subset of free features from the Office suite, typically including popular applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. However, not all software features are available during the free trial period.

Freemium Trial

A feature-based can be positioned as a Freemium Trial. While not technically a free trial, the freemium model offers a limited free trial version of your product or service, with the option to upgrade to a paid plan for access to more advanced key features or functionality. This lets users get a taste of your offer before committing to a full paid version or plan.

Dropbox offers a freemium trial model

Dropbox offers a freemium trial model where users can sign up for a free account with limited free trials, storage space and features. Users can then upgrade to a paid subscribers plan to unlock additional storage space, advanced features, and premium support.

4. Usage or Credit-Based Trial 

Credit-based or usage-based free trials power users a certain number of credits or points that they can use to access premium features or content within your product or service. feature usage is the second highest converting limited trial. 

free trial model. by aws

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is an example of a “usage” free trial model. It allows users a certain amount of storage and computer power for their trial. 

Remember, your trial must not be limited to one specific type. Companies often combine limiting factors for their trials. For example, while AWS is a usage-based trial, the trial is typically 12 months long.

Wrapping Up

Converting free trial users to paid customers is a challenge many brands face. Devoting the proper amount of attention to the communications associated with the free trials as well as the user experience enabled by said trial are vitally important.

From the email expert’s perspective, your role in this process will be to build email communications that:

  • Establish proper expectations for the trial and what’s included
  • Eliminate friction where possible in the free trial process
  • Leverage personalization and gamification to drive engagement in the trial period
  • Enable follow-up for both successfully converted customers and those users who do not upgrade by the end of the trial.

If you are a business that is leveraging a free trial model and you do not have these considerations in place, the time to get started is now or or get in touch with our email marketing consultants.

Is your company frustrated by lackluster app engagement? That tiny icon on users’ phones might be waving, but is it getting the attention it deserves? Beyond the initial excitement of downloads, are users actually sticking around and interacting with your app?

If the answer leaves you a bit uneasy, you’re not alone. App engagement is more than just a numbers game; it’s about user-perceived value and how often people genuinely connect with and return to your app. 

In this guide, we’ll dive into app engagement and the top strategies and best practices to turn things around. Get ready to transform that icon from a mere presence into a buzzing hub of activity! 

What is App Engagement? 

Before we dive into the finer details, let’s define what app engagement is and is not. App engagement is NOT the number of downloads your app has. Anyone with a mobile device can download an app. A simple download hardly indicates use.  How many app tombstones do you have on your own mobile device?

App engagement is how often and for how long people actually use your app, interact with it, and keep coming back for more. 

Why You Should Care About App Engagement

In today’s multi-channel, multi-device world, customer engagement requires a symbiotic ecosystem, with each component lending value to the others. An app with solid engagement can round out your marketing strategy and often result in the following:

  • Higher user satisfaction
  • Longer customer retention
  • More daily and monthly active users
  • Better conversion rates 

The bottom line benefit is, of course–revenue. Loyal customers and return users spend more time with your brand. More time and exposure usually means more $$.

What if you have an app, but your engagement isn’t what you’d like it to be? Fear not! This is just untapped potential. An opportunity!

Meet your customers where they already are. 85% of total daily smartphone usage is spent on apps. Once your app is on an individual’s phone, they may spend up to 600% more time engaging with it than your website.

Influence Consumer Behaviour: What Factors Positively Impact Engagement Rates?

Influence Consumer Behaviour What Factors Positively Impact Engagement Rates

Research identified 26 different factors that influence app engagement. This research was in the health and wellness industry. However, many factors apply to apps in general. Here are the factors that apply to all apps regardless of industry:

App Awareness

Help people know your app exists. Optimize for app stores and market your app. Consider using paid ads, social advocacy, or leveraging blogs to increase discoverability. 

User Guidance.

Clear instructions and guidance directly impact engagement. An overwhelming navigation or app interface can scare away a lot of users. However, once a user is up to speed with your app, remove guidance pop-ups and instructions. These can be annoying to experienced users. 

Reduce Cognitive Load.

Consumers typically prefer apps that are easy to use. Apps that integrate a device’s features (e.g., tap-to-call, or use the camera to take a picture of a product, then display where to buy it) reduce user friction and are highly favored. 


Consumers report a higher appreciation of apps that help them track their progress. These apps may display stats, engagement, and goals. Consider a statistical information feature and reward users for their engagement and program adherence. 


Gamification elements are highly valued by users as intangible rewards can be quite motivating. Things like stars, badges, and points create a “feel good” experience of achievement when interacting with an app. 

Tactful reminders.

Notifications directly affect engagement–both positively or negatively. A personalized reminder personalized to the consumer’s needs and preferences delivers a “tailored” experience that will increase engagement. In contrast, bombarding a user with too many reminders can cause annoyance and reduce engagement. 


An initial subscription or app fee could deter users unsure about your app. Consider “freemium”-style strategies that lower the barrier of entry and entice users to try your product. Consider using ladder pricing to meet various points of price sensitivity. 

Personalization to Needs.

Users want personalized content, notifications, and suggestions. They also want the power to personalize an app to their needs. Allow users to input preferences and data to cultivate a personalized experience whenever possible. 

So, considering these factors, what strategies can you implement to increase your app engagement? Let’s explore…

24 App Engagement Strategy Examples 

So, you want to improve your app engagement now. What should we consider, and what actions should we take? Here are some proven methods that have yielded phenomenal results for other brands.

1. Notifications: The Sweet Symphony

Compose a symphony of notifications, but don’t overplay it. Push alerts at the right time with the right content. This study found that user retention decreased when push notifications were sent every 3 hours. Test and iterate to find the right cadence and timing. 

Take a cue from Duolingo – they nail it by reminding you to practice without pestering.



2. App Usability: Simple Onboarding and Easy Navigation

Deliver a guided user experience. Remember Clippy? 

  • Streamline the onboarding process with a clear and concise introduction to the app’s features. 
  • Simplify app navigation by organizing content logically and using familiar icons and gestures.
  •  Ensure the app’s layout adjusts seamlessly across various devices and screen sizes.

Remember, reducing cognitive load increases user retention. Simplicity is key! Take a look at these application onboarding flow examples. 

onboarding flow examples

3. Cloud Sync Data Across Devices 

For apps that store data, consider syncing data across devices. Make it feel seamless to increase the ease of use, improve user accessibility, and reinforce the value of your app. This feature is great for fitness apps, digital storage, games, and more. 

Evernote allows users to store their notes in the cloud and access them on any device they are logged into. 


4. App Store Optimization (ASO)

Think of this as SEO for the app stores—a must-have for your app’s discoverability. App stores can be overwhelming, and users may just download what comes up first. ASO will help ensure your app is higher up in the search results. 

Optimize app metadata, including keywords, app name, and visuals, to improve discoverability on app stores. The app uses clear, user-focused language. Their practical information and keywords make it easy to find.

5. Lightning Log In

Does your app require a username and password whenever a user accesses it? Few things are more tedious than typing out a login and password on a tiny phone screen. Ugh! Reducing user friction is key to adoption and retention. Utilize biometric features for app access and engagement. The easier it is to access your app, the more likely users will engage with it. 

My Disney Experience app uses fingerprint authentication for secure access to park information and services.


6. Personalization Magic

Have you ever received a recommendation that felt like your app knew you better than your BFF? That’s personalization for you. Use predictive analytics to anticipate user preferences and customize content proactively. 

Take personalization a step further and allow users to personalize themselves. Invite users to share preferences and input data to improve personalization. 

Some apps prompt users to select items or products that appeal to them when setting up their account. Then, the app’s home page is curated based on the desired items. 

Netflix does a pretty solid job of recommending relevant movies and shows based on your watch history.


7. Reward Purchases and Loyalty Programs 

Turn your app into a game. Add challenges, rewards, and a sense of achievement. Offer vouchers, limited-time gifts, exclusives, and points for purchases.

Starbucks  does this with its tiered loyalty program –– buy coffee, earn rewards – the more you engage, the more stars and perks you get. Simple and addictive.


8. Feedback Loop Love

Create a two-way street. Encourage users to share their thoughts and actually listen. Airbnb does this well – they ask for feedback and then show users the impact of their suggestions.

Is there a feature you are considering? A product your company wants to explore? Create a feedback loop with customers on your app—even better if you combine this strategy with a reward system to incentivize and motivate users to provide valuable feedback. 

Slack is another excellent example of this strategy. 


9. Regular Freshness

Nobody likes stale bread or stale content. Experience fatigue is all too real. Keep your app fresh with regular updates and new or revamped features. Instagram does this smoothly, constantly adding new filters and features.


10. Social Sharing Shenanigans

Humans love to show off. Let users share their victories or experiences from your app. Strava and FitOn, exercise apps, let users share their workout achievements> This provides instant motivation for others by fostering community and mutual support.


11. Good Performance = User Retention

No one likes a slow, glitchy app that crashes. Invest in optimizing your app’s performance by reducing latency and smoothing out any bugs, feature errors, or performance issues. 

Evernote streamlined their app to ensure quick note-taking – users love the efficiency.


12. Community Vibes

Build a tribe around your app. Forums, social groups – whatever works. The most successful apps create an ecosystem of community:

  1. Forums and Q&A. Dedicated spaces for discussions. Live Q&A sessions with experts.
  2. Challenges and Competitions. In-app challenges for user participation. Recognize and reward top performers.
  3. Collaborative Projects. Initiate user-driven projects. Highlight progress and impact.
  4. Themed Challenges. Introduce seasonal challenges. Encourage user participation.
  5. Direct Messaging. Enable direct messaging. Facilitate one-on-one or group chats.

Take a cue from Discord, a gaming chat app turned community hub.


13. Integrate With Voice Assistants 

Implement voice-activated features for a hands-free experience. This feature saves users time and allows them to use your app faster. Google Assistant allows users to perform various tasks within the app using voice commands.

Google Assistant 

14. Sneak Peeks and Previews

Provide exclusive sneak peeks or early access to upcoming features. Create excitement and remind users of the value your app gives. Instagram often releases beta versions of its app, allowing users to test and experience new features before the official launch.



15. Offline Access 

Allow app users to access specific features offline. This strategy can be used to improve engagement and drive greater loyalty. Using the app “offline” can be a premium feature to upsell your audience. 

Spotify offers offline listening with Spotify Premium, catering to users in areas with limited internet connectivity.


16. Progress Tracking

Allow users to track their progress within the app. Statistics and progress rewards motivate users to engage more. Users often request these features. Fitbit tracks users’ fitness goals, steps, and achievements, motivating continued app usage.

Fitbit example

17. Interactive Content

Include interactive elements like quizzes, polls, or interactive videos. Buzzfeed creates interactive quizzes within its app, driving user engagement and sharing. Their Daily Trivia feature engages and educates users, making the interaction itself rewarding.


18. Daily Log-In Reward

Creating new habits of customer behavior is difficult. To overcome this, reinforce the behaviors you want to see with rewards. 

Have a daily log-in or “check-in” reward. Create a pop-up when users open your app. Reward points, stars, or something else to create a positive association with using your app.  The more practical the reward, the better. 

A shopping app, Lazada, has a daily check-in reward. Users get ten coins, which can be used to purchase items on the app. 


19. Customer Support Wizardry 

Provide in-app support or chat features for quick problem resolution. This could be a quick link to your website’s FAQs or support page. Or use a live chat feature. The less frustrated users feel, the more likely they will keep using your app!  Remember: Friction = Failure.

The app offers a live chat feature for instant customer support.


20. Augmented Reality (AR) Features

AR is increasingly common. Implementing Augmented Reality (AR) features in an app can significantly enhance user engagement by providing immersive and interactive experiences.  It’s not just for touching up your online dating pics.

AR can be applied to:

  1. User Tutorials. Provide a fully immersive onboarding guide or user tutorial with AR. 
  2. Challenges and Games. Gamify your app and increase user enjoyment. Host challenges and reward winners. 
  3. Product Visualization and Visual Try-Ons. Create an AR shopping experience that allows users to visualize an item in their home. Use AR for visual try-ons of clothing, cosmetics, and accessories. 

Pokémon GO leverages AR to create an interactive experience where users can catch virtual Pokémon in the real world.

Pokémon GO

21. Live Streaming and Real-Time Interaction

Live streaming creates immediate engagement with users. Host live streams at different times and analyze how your audience responds and your engagement results. 

Twitch allows users to watch live gaming streams, events, and creative content while interacting with streamers in real time.


22. Ephemeral Content

Ephemeral Content–content that disappears in 24 hours. First introduced by Snapchat in 2013, this strategy quickly caught on. Since then, Snapchat has increased to 200 million users. 

Allow users to post stories, videos, and updates that last 24 hours. Encourage community by allowing users to add and connect with friends who can see their ephemeral content. 

Snapchat and Instagram Stories feature ephemeral content that disappears after a set period, encouraging regular engagement. 

Snapchat and instagram stories

23. Cross Promotion

Promote other relevant apps or features within your app to encourage users to explore additional functionalities. Find complementary partners to cross-promote your app. This strategy expands reach, credibility, and increases user benefits.

One example is Spotify and Uber. In 2014, Spotify and Uber announced a partnership that allowed Spotify users to control the music played during their Uber rides. 

Spotify and Uber

24. Deep Linking 

This technique allows users to navigate directly to specific content or pages within a mobile app rather than just launching the app’s home screen. Deep linking helps bridge the gap between web and app experiences and enhances user engagement. This is absolute table stakes in 2024.

Improving user experience, personalization, and target marketing are just a few of the perks of this strategy. Airbnb is an example of an app that uses deep linking. 


Analyzing App Engagement : 5 Introductory KPIs To Check Your Results 

So, you deployed one or more of the above strategies–great job! But how do you know if it’s working? 

App engagement can be identified by the following key performance indicators (KPIs) and App engagement metrics. 

1. Active Users and “Stickiness”

This KPI is pretty straightforward. Daily active users (DAU) and monthly active users (MAU), i.e., the number of people who open and use your app daily/monthly. 

Your app’s “stickiness” is how relevant and valuable users find your app. You want your app to be as valuable and memorable as possible. DAU and MAU are two figures you can use to gauge your app’s “stickiness.” 

2. Sessional Intervals 

This metric identifies the time between two successive app sessions. This KPI helps determine whether or not your users are “hooked” on your app. How often and how quickly do your users come back for more? 

A ” hooked ” user would have less time between successive app sessions. For example, an Instagram user who regularly opens Instagram multiple times daily with a few minutes between sessions is probably “hooked. Compare that to a user who opens the app once a week for 5 minutes. 

Best case scenario–your app has a good chunk of ” hooked ” users. 

3. Average Session Length

Summed up–the time a user spends on your app each session. If a user opens your app ten times daily, each session time (access to closing) will be logged. Then, an “average” session time is calculated. 

This metric informs you of your app’s ability to maintain interest. It can be applied to your retention analysis. 

4. Conversion Rate 

A well-used and vital metric. Conversion rate = the number of users who become paying customers. Higher engagement usually amounts to higher conversions. 

5. Churn Rate

Your churn rate is not a KPI in which you want to see a high number. It is the exact opposite of engagement and retention. Your churn rate is the number of users who leave or delete the app. A high churn rate is bad news! 


Giving your app some love and attention pays off big time! When people use your app often, love what they find, and keep coming back for more, it’s like hitting the jackpot. Higher engagement means you’re more likely to turn curious clickers into revenue-driving regulars.

Want a hand with your email, SMS, or app marketing strategy? InboxArmy is here to help! Our experts create engaging end-to-end cross-channel campaigns that achieve results. Contact us to learn more.  

Multi-ESP Support

We support 50+ ESP vendors. Be it enterprise platforms such as SalesForce and Oracle Marketing Cloud or small and medium sized business platforms such as Mailchimp, Klaviyo, Aweber, and ActiveCampaign, we’ve got you covered.
